Fully automatic box filler
With the MB 111, you are assured of a reliable box filler with a very high capacity. Due to the continuous product supply with a minimum of forklift movements, this machine can process more than 80 boxes per hour. The boxes are loaded in 3 layers by allowing the box to lower and then moving the wide buffer conveyor.
This is controlled by a product sensor. A closure flap is installed at the far end of the buffer conveyor that closes automatically when the box is full. While the buffer conveyor is being filled, in turn a new box is moved to the filling position.
The product flow can be supplied from 3 sides, as a result of which you can work in a highly flexible manner in any space. As standard, the box filler is prepared for a weighing device.
Product-friendly box filling with a high capacity
During the filling of boxes, everything is focused on product-friendliness and capacity. As a result, the Miedema box fillers by Dewulf fill homogeneously. Dewulf's reliable box filling technology ensures that the drop height is continuously at a minimum.
With this box filler, you only have to perform a single task: switching the boxes on time!
Enjoyable and comfortable to use
The MB series box fillers use a dust-proof control box and an HMI control-unit with pictograms, which makes the operation very enjoyable. All machines are equipped with Start-Control: The MB is a main machine, which can start and stop the entire line of connected machines.
Moreover, the low power consumption of Dewulf's Miedema box fillers is also very notable.
Special Features
- Ultimate ease of use: Fully automatic, perfect filling
- Extreme efficiency gains in your logistics process
- Minimum drop heights