Suppliers of Seed Potatoes in the Americas

Martinez Farms

Martinez Farms raises certified seed potatoes in the San Luis Valley at an elevation of 7,683 (2342 m.) above sea level, in the southern part of the state of Colorado in the United States.


MBAgriculture is a Brazilian company of territorial management, representation, consultancy and assistance in Agricultural Import and Export applied to agribusiness.

McCain Farms Seed Operations

McCain Farms Seed Operations is a supplier of seed potatoes

McCain Produce Inc

McCain Produce grows and sells seed potatoes globally. The company also sells table potatoes in Canada

Meadow Ridge Enterprises Ltd.

Meadow Ridge Enterprises Ltd. is a seed potato grower from Saskatchewan, Canada.

Mountain View Packers Ltd.

Mountain View Packers is a potato shipper from New Brunswick, Canada.
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Murphy's Seed Potatoes

Murphy's Seed Potatoes is a producer of quality potato seed and grain for the North American market. They are located on Prince Edward Island on the east coast of Canada.

National Institute of Seeds (INASE)

National Institute of Seeds (INASE) objective is to promote an efficient activity of production and commercialization of seeds, to ensure to the agrarian producer the identity and quality of the seed that they acquire and to protect the property of the phytogenetic creations.

North Dakota State Seed Department

The State Seed Department is the state’s official seed certification agency. The Field Seed Program is responsible for management of all processes involved in the production of certified seed from field inspection

Northern Konstar Potatoes Ltd

Northern Konstar (Seed) Potatoes Ltd. started of as a premium seed potato producing company in 2000.

Ontario Seed Potato Growers Association (OSPGA)

OSPGA is an organization of Ontario potato seed growers and breeders who work collaboratively to support the SPUD Unit through the University of Guelph, liaison with CFIA inspectors regarding seed certification and with OMAFRA to promote the best quality Ontario grown seed with stewardly production practices.

Palmgren Farm

Palmgren farm is located in Colorado, United States. They are growing seed potatoes and some range of organic potatoes.

Parkinson Foundation Seed Farm

Parkinson Foundation Seed Farm was created out of a demand for clean potato seed.

Parkland Seed Potatoes Ltd

Parkland Seed Potatoes Ltd. is a potato variety marketing company introducing new Agrico potato varieties to Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Pinery Farms Ltd

Pleasant Valley Potato

Pleasant Valley Potato has been perfecting Idaho potatoes. We're committed to grow, pack, and ship the highest quality potatoes, with exceptional service.

Pommes de terre Laurentiennes Inc

Prairie Dome Seed Potatoes

Prairie Dome Seed Potatoes supplies a variety of seed potatoes including AC Peregrine Red, Bintje, Caribe, Dakota Russet, Goldrush, Kennebec, Norland, Purple Viking, Ranger Russet, Red Pontiac, Russian Blue, Sangre, Umatilla Russet, Viking, Warba and Yukon Gold.


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