Suppliers of Seed Potatoes in South America

Agropia Cooperativa

Agropia Cooperativa is an organization of small producers of native tubers, they group more than 150 families in 17 different peasant communities in the high Andean areas of the Huancavelica region.


Company dedicated to the production and sale of pre-basic and basic potato and garlic seeds.

Britos Hmnos

Britos Hermanos was founded in the year 1995, as small family owned company dedicated to the production of ware potatoes for the traditional retail sectors. Now a days the company has grown into the leading company in Uruguay for potato production diversifying their operations as well into cattle breeding, grain crops and more.

Dalintor S.A.

Dalintor S.A. specializes in the import of seed potatoes, irrigation systems, and agricultural machinery to meet the different needs of the agricultural sector.

Drakar Srl

Drakar Srl is an Argentine company that produces seed potatoes with varieties used by the industry as well as the fresh market.

El Parque Papas

El Parque Papas is an Argentine company with over twenty years of experience in the potato industry. With a strong commitment to social and environmental responsibility, the company produces and stores potatoes for the chips industry and seed potatoes. They supply the French fry industry with potatoes directly sourced from the field and the fresh market with freshly harvested, washed, and conditioned potatoes.
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Esfatrade Organization Worldwide is a company working in international trade of fresh goods and potato seeds located in Uruguay.


Garlic S.A. is a company with more than 40 years working in the Argentinian traditional market.  Their main activity is the fractionation of fruit and vegetable products, mainly Potato, Onion, Sweet Potato and Garlic.

HZPC América Latina S.A.

HZPC América Latina S.A. is a subsidiary of the Dutch potato company HZPC Holland BV 


MBAgriculture is a Brazilian company of territorial management, representation, consultancy and assistance in Agricultural Import and Export applied to agribusiness.

National Institute of Seeds (INASE)

National Institute of Seeds (INASE) objective is to promote an efficient activity of production and commercialization of seeds, to ensure to the agrarian producer the identity and quality of the seed that they acquire and to protect the property of the phytogenetic creations.

Semillas Llanquihue Ltda.

Since 1970, Margossian Sementes has been a trusted name in the seed potato market, recognized for its commitment to quality and customer-focused services. The company specializes in importing high-quality seed potatoes to meet the diverse needs of rural producers across Brazil.
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Semillas S.Z. (HZPC Chili)

Semillas S.Z., a company with Chilean and Dutch capitals, has more than 40 years of experience in the production of high-quality, certified seed potatoes. They work exclusively in Chile with the genetics and varieties of HZPC

Semillas SZ

Semillas SZ is a subsidiary of the Dutch potato company HZPC Holland BV 


TODOCAMPO is a family business dedicated to the production and sale of quality potatoes.


Vicentina is a family company, and leader in the potato sector in Uruguay. With a very rich history spanning over 50 years, Vicentina currently produces one of the largest areas in the country with quality standards that serve as a beacon and reference for other growers.


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