ООО Агрико Евразия (Agrico Eurasia LLC) is the official representative of the Dutch potato cooperative 'Agrico Holland' in the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Agrofirma KRiMM
Agrofirma KRiMM is one of the largest holdings in Russia supplying seed potatoes, table potatoes and other vegetables, grown on a cultivated area more than 27000 hectares.
AO Pogar Potato Factory
AO Pogar Potato Factory (PPF) is a large-scale potato growing and potato processing company in Russia.
Malino Corporate Group
The Malino corporate group has been engaged in agricultural business since 1998. The total agricultural production annually reaches more than 400 thousand tons in assortment.
Selkhozinvest is a Russian AgroIndustrial company in the Kaliningrad region, with a.o. activities in ware and seed potatoes, machinery, fertilizer. Selkhozinvest announced plans to build a potato processing plant in December 2007.
Solana RUS
Solana RUS, based in St. Petersburg, is responsible for the production of seed and table potatoes in the Russian Federation.