Suppliers of Liquid Fertilizer in France

Groupe Roullier

Involved in Plant and Animal Nutrition for almost 60 years and active in the Agri-food industry, the Groupe Roullier draws upon its industrial and technical expertise, its unique sales force and a sustained innovation policy to meet the specific needs of its clients.

JPS AGRI (France)

JPS AGRI (France) is an agent of Aphasol in France. They offer amino acid biostimulants designed to support plant performance and resilience against climate-related stresses.

Technique Minérale Culture et Elevage (TMCE)

Technique Minérale Culture et Elevage (TMCE) has specialized in producing and marketing mineral products tailored for soil, crops, and livestock. TMCE promotes a sustainable approach to agriculture, focusing on maintaining agronomic and biological balance within production systems.


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