Research and Development

Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, INTA - Propapa

PROPAPA represents the consolidation of an operating unit of services, production and research with a strong emphasis on the potato crop.

International Potato Center (CIP)

The International Potato Center or Centro Internacional de la Papa (also known by its Spanish acronym, CIP) seeks to reduce poverty and achieve food security on a sustained basis in developing countries.

Interprovinciaal Proefcentrum voor de Aardappelteelt vzw (PCA)

Het Interprovinciaal Proefcentrum voor de Aardappelteelt vzw (PCA) is een vereniging zonder winstoogmerk voor onafhankelijk praktijkonderzoek en voorlichting in de aardappelteelt.

James Hutton Institute (JHI)

The James Hutton Institute is an international research centre based in Scotland.

Jiamusi City Agriculture Committee

Agriculture (data from the 2000 version of the telecommunications yellow pages, accuracy is very low, for reference only)

John Innes Centre

The John Innes Centre is an independent, international center of excellence in plant science, genetics, and microbiology.
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Kachwekano Zonal Research and Development institute (KAZARDI)

Kachwekano Zonal Research and Development institute (KAZARDI) is a research institute in the highlands of Kabale District, South Western Uganda

KALRO Food Crops Research Institute (formerly KARI)

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) is a government research institute with research programmes in food crops, horticultural and industrial crops, livestock and range management, land and water management, and socio-economics. This includes several activities related to the potato crop.

Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS)

Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) is the government parastatal whose responsibility is to assure the quality of agricultural inputs and produce to prevent adverse impact on the economy, the environment and human health.

Khazaee Corporation

Khazaee Corporation is an Iranian Agricultural, Livestock, and Cold Storage Supplier. They have specialised cold storage for potato tuber.


Make more profitable procurement decisions by planning, forecasting and recording all supply tonnages and quality in one Crop Intelligence Platform. KisanHub licences the Platform to Groups, Processors and Packers of Potatoes (and other crops).


Lantmännen is an agricultural cooperative and Northern Europe’s leader in agriculture, machinery, bioenergy and food products.
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Leatherhead Food Research

Founded in 1919, Leatherhead Food Research, based near London, UK, is an independent organisation delivering innovative research, scientific consultancy and regulatory guidance and interpretation.

Levity CropScience

Levity CropScience is a research oriented company in the United Kingdom working to make fertilizers to be more efficiently taken up and used by crops - including the potato crop.


Lifeasible is a biotechnology company, specialized in agricultural science. Lifeasible offers a wide variety of agro-related services and products for environmental and energy solutions.

Lihme Protein Solutions

Lihme Protein Solutions is a Danish company developing a commercial method based on controlled affinity separation (CAD) to extract functional proteins from the potato juice that remains after starch extraction.

Lund University

Lund University (Swedish: Lunds universitet) is one of Europe's oldest, largest and most prestigious universities, consistently ranking among the world's top 100 universities.

Mahany Farms

Mahany Farms is located in Arkport, United States offers potatoes for chips production. In addition to growing chipping potatoes, Mahany Farms helps develop new chipping potato varieties through Cornell’s breeding program, which tests different potato varieties’ viability in different regions.


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