Industry Associations in the United States


AGNEMA, the commercial plant clinic laboratory, provides optimized testing packages to examine nematodes and pathogens in soil and plant samples.

Alliance for a Healthier Generation

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation works to address one of the leading public health threats in the United States —childhood obesity. The goal of the Alliance is to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity by 2015, and to empower kids nationwide to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE)

The Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE) is a not-for-profit organization 100% dedicated to expanding and translating scientific research into evidence-based policy and education initiatives that recognize the role of all forms of the potato—a nutritious vegetable—in promoting health for all age groups.

American Chemical Society

The American Chemical Society (ACS) is the world's largest scientific society. With more than 150,000 members in 140+ countries, the American Chemical Society is the premier home of chemistry professionals.

American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI)

The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) is an industry association representing the Frozen Food Industry in the United States.

Aspen Sales Group LLC

Aspen Sales Group is a team of Global Networking sales solution specialists based in New Jersey.
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Associated Potato Growers Inc.

Most renowned potato grower cooperative in the Red River Valley. Additional locations in Grafton and Drayton, ND.

Awakened Foods

Awakened Foods is the holding company for the branded businesses, Ka-Pop! Snacks and Bubba's Fine Foods, and the co-manufacturing division, Awakened Food Crafters.

Colorado Certified Seed Potato Growers Association

The Colorado Certified Seed Potato Growers’ Association supports all efforts to produce the highest quality seed and sustain the profitability of Colorado’s certified seed potato industry.

Colorado Potato Administrative Committee (CPAC)

The Colorado Potato Administrative Committee (CPAC) was founded in 1941 with the key goal of organizing the then more than 175 Colorado Potato Growers and Colorado Potato Shippers throughout Colorado under a common purpose and industry.

Empire State Potato Growers

The Empire State Potato Growers Inc. is a nonprofit grower association representing approximately 150 commercial potato growers in New York State.

Food Northwest (formerly NWFPA)

Food Northwest - formerly known as The Northwest Food Processors Association (NWFPA) - represents the interests of Food processing companies in the US states Idaho, Oregon and Washington
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Food Production Solutions Association (FPSA)

The Food Production Solutions Association (FPSA), also known as the Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA), is the largest association in the United States of suppliers of equipment, ingredients, and services to the global food, beverage, and pharmaceutical processing industries.

Global Cold Chain Alliance

The global cold chain alliance is a group of organisations representing industries engaged in temperature-controlled logistics.

Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA)

The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) serves as the vital link between the CPG industry and United States policymakers at federal and state levels.

Idaho Crop Improvement Association

For over 78 years the members of Idaho Crop Improvement Association, Inc. (ICIA) have been serving the global agricultural community by producing quality Idaho Certified Seeds.

Idaho Farm Bureau Federation

Idaho Farm Bureau Federation is a free, independent, non-governmental, voluntary organization of farm and ranch families united for the purpose of analyzing problems and formulating action to achieve educational improvement, economic opportunity, social advancement and thereby, to promote the national well-being.

Idaho Grower Shippers Association

Established in 1942, the Idaho Grower Shippers Association (IGSA) serves farmers and shippers of Idaho potatoes.


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