Industry Associations in France


AXEMA is the French Association for agricultural equipment manufacturers and agricultural environment providers. Its gathers more than 230 members companies, representing 93% of the agricultural equipment industry in France.

Comité National interprofessionnel de la Pomme de Terre (CNIPT)

Comité National interprofessionnel de la Pomme de Terre (CNIPT) is a french organisation to create added value to the potato chain and to stimulate the consumption of fresh potatoes. The CNIPT incorporates all actors of the potato chain.

Comite Nord Plant

The Comite Nord is an association of 490 potato producers located at the North of Paris.


Fedepom, The French Federation of Traders in Potato, Garlic and Onion, is an industry association representing this sector.

GL events

With more than 40 years of experience, GL events is a major player in the global event market: congresses and conventions; cultural, sporting, institutional, corporate or political events; trade shows and exhibitions.

Groupement Interprofessionnel pour la valorisation de la Pomme de Terre (GIPT)

French Potato organisation, includes potato processors
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Potato Market

Potato Market is a trader platform that is in charge of putting producers and buyers in contact of the potato market, from anywhere in Europe. The first online potato market for producers and buyers.

Union Nationale des producteurs de Pommes de Terre (UNPT)

Union Nationale des producteurs de Pommes de Terre (UNPT) is an association representing Potato Growers in France.


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