Agravis Raiffeisen AG is a modern agricultural trade and service company, they support their cooperative sales partners, farmers and people in rural areas with high-quality products, extensive know-how, expert advice
Alzchem Group
Alzchem, an international chemical company, has positioned itself in the world of specialty chemistry with both well established and new products for global markets.
Amynova Polymers GmbH
Amynova Polymers GmbH researches and produces amylofol, an innovative, starch-based biopolymer. Due to its special character, amylofol has a high potential for increasing efficiency in the areas of crop protection
Biofa GmbH
Biofa GmbH is a medium-sized company in the South-West of Germany dedicated to organic agriculture. Founded in 1979, they provide their customers and partners with a full range of plant protection products, plant strengtheners
Biolchim Deutschland GmbH
Biolchim is a leading manufacturer of biostimulants, specialty fertilizers and trace elements with headquarters in Italy (near Bologna).
Hauert Manna
The Hauert Group produces and trades fertilizers for professional and home gardening for more than 300 years, as well as offers professional services for Horticulture, Landscaping & Sports Facilities.
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Humintech GmbH
Humintech is a biotech company based in Grevenbroich, Germany. We are primarily focused on the research, development and industrial production of humic matter and humic acids for the agricultural sector.
K+S Kali
K+S KALI GmbH is one of the world’s leading potassium mining companies.
K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH
The K+S Group is one of the world's leading suppliers of standard and speciality fertilizers. In the salt business, measured by production capacity, K+S, with sites in Europe as well as North and South America, is the world's leading producer.
Lebosol Dunger GmbH
Lebosol Dünger GmbH is an owner-operated, medium-sized company with around 120 employees, which has been specializing in the manufacture and distribution of liquid foliar fertilizers for over 30 years.