Directory of All Companies active in the potato sector

Bio Gro Inc.

Bio-Gro, Inc. manufactures over 130 individual product formulations, and provides customers the ability to design unique custom blends, based on specific soil needs.

Bio Kartoffel Nord GmbH & Co. KG

Bio Kartoffel Nord is represented by experts in certified organic farming for now about more than 20 years. Their corporate Farmers are settled in the German counties Niedersachsen and Sachsen-Anhalt

BIO Plastpom

BIO Plastpom offers reinforced, water-resistant granules based on starch modified only physically, thus complying with the guidelines of the EU Directive. Bioplast will be the first to introduce a full circular economy for manufactured disposable products.

Biocare GmbH

Biocare, a family-owned company, is specialized in large-scale trichogramma and sitotroga production. Biocare introduced the granulate Attracap®, a biological insecticide against wireworms in potatoes.

Biocontrol Technologies

Biocontrol Technologies is a biotechnology company founded in 2004 as an offshoot of Barcelona University. It specializes in developing biopesticides to control crop diseases. The designed products are to have the same efficacy levels as conventional chemical pesticides but safe for human and environmental exposure.

Biofa GmbH

Biofa GmbH is a medium-sized company in the South-West of Germany dedicated to organic agriculture. Founded in 1979, they provide their customers and partners with a full range of plant protection products, plant strengtheners
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BioFert Manufacturing Inc.

BioFert Manufacturing Inc. is a fertilizer manufacturer focused on formulating organic fertilizers and soil amendments. BioFert was established with a vision of providing high efficacy, biodegradable and eco-friendly fertilizers for use in commercial agriculture.


Biofresh is a market-leader in ethical food storage and sanitisation.

Biolchim Deutschland GmbH

Biolchim is a leading manufacturer of biostimulants, specialty fertilizers and trace elements with headquarters in Italy (near Bologna).

Biome Makers Inc.

Biome Makers Inc. is a global agtech company with an advanced technology for modelling soil functionality to enhance the productivity of arable soils and to recover the soil health worldwide.


Stichting Bionext is the chain organization for sustainable organic agriculture and food and connects the Dutch organic chains from farmer to consumer.

BioSafe systems

At BioSafe Systems, they pride themselves on being innovators of environmentally sustainable practices and products to protect crops, water and people across North America. Since 1998.

Bioscience Pty Ltd

Bioscience is about increasing plant productivity by understanding and managing soil microbial ecology. Bioscience offers products and services in agricultural, horticultural, environmental, hydrological and analytical sciences.


Biosens is a small Danish company offering a wireless temperature sensor for potato storages.

Biotrek SA

Biotrek S.A. produces flavors and aromas for the food industry. They have a wide range of products that they are able to calibrate to the particular needs and wishes of each customer.

Birch Farms Inc.

Birchfarms Inc. lead the industry in manufacturing snacks for private companies and retail markets.

Birds Eye (Australia and New Zealand)

Birds Eye is a brand in Australia and New Zealand by Simplot Australia used for a range of frozen food products including french fries and a range of potato spacialties.

Birds Eye (United Kingdom and Ireland)

Birds Eye is the UK's biggest frozen food brand, known for its high quality and superb taste. Birds Eye has been supplying nutritious, freshly frozen meals for decades. Their brands include Birds Eye, Aunt Bessie's, Goodfellas, and Green Cuisine.


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