Directory of All Companies active in the potato sector

Aries Agro Limited

Aries Agro Ltd diversifies into nutrients for plants with in-house expertise in the area of mineral nutrition and hence conducts research on compounds that could deliver mineral nutrients to plants more efficiently.

Arista Industries

Arista Industries is a suppliyer of Marine & Vegetable Oils as raw ingredients to the Food, Nutritional/Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic/Personal Care, and Pet Food Industries since 1930.

Arlene Resource Management

Arlene Resource Management (ARM) specializes in agricultural labor contracting, offering experienced, seasonal, and dependable labor to fulfill the specialized demands of agriculture.

Aroma Snacks GmbH & Co. KG

Aroma Snacks GmbH & Co. KG manufactures Lisa Chips using organically grown potatoes and ingredients using traditional kettle frying.

Arrow Farms, Inc.

Arrow Farms, Inc. was founded in 1955. The company's line of business includes the wholesale distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Arrow Systems

Arrow Systems provides a customized end to end automation solution for the production and packaging processes of the Food and Beverage industry.
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Arrowhead Potato Company

Arrowhead Potato Company sells Idaho potatoes to local individuals and restaurants and to national foodservice companies.

ARS (Agricultural Research Service, USDA)

The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific research agency. The ARS mission is to find solutions to agricultural problems that affect Americans every day, from field to table.

Art's and Mary's Tater Chips

Art's & Mary's Tater Chips (Albers Development, Inc) is a regional kettle chip company based in Cheney, Kansas.

Artisan Tropic

Artisan Tropic is a healthy snack brand committed to providing fresh, all-natural, healthy and nutritious whole foods.

Arundel Kerr Produce Ltd (AKP Group)

The UK based AKP Group grows and markets potatoes for retail and processing.

Arvalis - Institut du vegetal

ARVALIS - Institut du vegetal is an applied agricultural research organization in France dedicated to arable crops - including potato


ASA-LIFT is a leading international company developing, producing and distributing vegetable harvesters, hereunder specializing in carrot harvesters.


ASAJA is the largest agricultural professional organization in Spain with more than 200,000 members working directly on farms, both owners and tenants.


The agrarian organization ASAJA de León is a professional association constituted under Law 19/1977 on Freedom of Association. Born by the federation of agricultural organizations UFADE de León and Provincial Center of Young Farmers of León.

Asandas and Sons Private limited

Asandas and Sons Private limited is a production facility of Hyfun Foods in gujrat.

ASB Capital Agventure LLP.

ASB Capital Agventure LLP formerly known as RISHABH TRAEXIM is engaged in offering a range of products including dehydrated vegetables.

Asda Stores Ltd.

ASDA is the UK based subsidiary of US retail giant Wal-mart Stores, Inc.


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