Directory of All Companies active in the potato sector

Applied Machine Vision Technologies (AMVT) LLC

Applied Machine Vision Technologies (AMVT) is a Texas based company that specializes in the sales, marketing, and technical support of optical sorting machines used around the world in food processing, industrial recycling, and e-waste separation.

APV - Technical Products Ltd

APV is an Austrian Manufacturer of Broadcasters and Seeders, Grassland cultivators and equipments for mechanical weed control.


The Belgian company Aquantis offers inline sensors for industrial process monitoring, including dedicated solutions for the potato processing industry.


AquaSpy delivers intelligent ag-tech solutions designed to help farmers monitor and improve crop health. With real-time soil moisture sensors and a user-friendly mobile app, growers gain detailed insights into their plants' conditions, enabling informed decisions on irrigation and fertilization.


Aqueus offers special liquid auxiliary soil amendments that help farmers maximize their profits with more yield per input, which is on the path to sustainable farming and regenerative agriculture.

AR TARIM Tohumculuk San. ve Tic. AŞ

AR TARIM Tohumculuk San. ve Tic. AŞ in Turkey is a subsidiary of Agrico B.V (Netherlands) and Europlant Pflanzenzucht GmbH (Germany) engaging itself in the import and distribution of potato seeds in Turkey in addition to local production
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Ara Food Corporation

ARA Food Corporation is a private family owned snacks manufacturer based in Florida, USA. The company’s original plantain chips line now also includes a range of sweet potato chips, yuca root chips, pork cracklings and pork rinds.


Arable, the leader in crop intelligence.Arable’s intuitive IoT-based solution combines reliable in-field weather, forecast, plant, soil, and irrigation data with advanced modeling and machine learning to deliver real-time, actionable insights into the entire crop system. Arable helps customers around the globe optimize water use, crop protection, fertilization, field work, research trials, food supply chains, and sustainability initiatives.

Araf Dynamic Ltd.

Araf Dynamic Ltd. is involved in the production and distribution of Potatoes in Bangladesh for meeting the regular demand of their customers around the world.


Arafa Company is a family company that has specialized for over 25 years in growing producing and exporting top quality agricultural products.

Arait, S. Coop.

Arait is a spanish company focused in manufacturing of food machinery. They give solutions for potato chips, nuts, snacks and donuts lines and all our products incorporate vanguard technology.

ARBO Engineering Inc.

ARBO is Canadian material handling specialist offering a highly diversified product line for feeding and dosing applications.

Arbys Restaurant Group

Arby's Restaurant Group, Inc., based in Atlanta, is the franchisor of the Arby's restaurant system, which consists of more than 3,500 restaurants worldwide.

Arca Continental

Arca Continental, one of the largest Coca Cola bottlers in the world, produces and distributes Bokados brand snack foods. In December 2012, the Mexican company acquired both the snack manufacturers Inalecsa (Ecuador) and Wise Foods (United States)

Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM)

Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) is a manufacturer of frying oils, various ingredients. ADM frying oil brand names include Superb (Canola), Golden Chef (Soybean) and Superb Select Power Sun (Sunflower)

ARCHWALL Steel Building

ARCHWALL Steel Buildings, a known name in steel building design for over 55 years, specializing in adaptable and cost-effective solutions for agricultural applications.

Ardo NV

The Ardo Group produces and supplies fresh frozen vegetables, rice, pasta's, potatoes, herbs and fruits to retail, foodservice and industrial customers worldwide.

Argos Packaging & Protection

Argos, specialist in packaging and protective materials. Their product specialists can offer a suitable and professional solution for every packaging or protection issue.


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