Directory of All Companies active in the potato sector in Prince Edward Island

MacLean Farms Ltd

MacLean Farms Ltd., located on Prince Edward Island, is a 3rd generation potato farm operation specializing in growing quality seed potatoes for processing, table stock, and chipping.

Master Packaging

Master Packaging is leading manufacturer of corrugated and folding carton packaging. Their team of experts use the world’s latest technology and equipment to ensure complete customer satisfaction from creative design to the shipment of product.

Mid-Isle Farms Inc.

Mid-Isle Farms Inc operates potato storage and potato packing facilities on Prince Edward Island and is jointly owned by seven shareholder farms.

Monaghan Export Ltd (Monaghan Farms Ltd)

Monaghan Export Ltd (Monaghan Farms Ltd) is an exporter and grower of chip processing and chip seed potatoes. They have been exporting for over 20 years and have been supplying Frito Lay locally since 1987.

Murphy's Seed Potatoes

Murphy's Seed Potatoes is a producer of quality potato seed and grain for the North American market. They are located on Prince Edward Island on the east coast of Canada.

P.E.I. Potato Quality Institute

The P.E.I. Potato Quality Institute is owned by the potato producers of Prince Edward Island. This not-for-profit organization functions under the guidance of a Board of Directors, consisting primarily of potato producers.
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Pei Bag Co est 1935., your trusted partner in packaging solutions for the agricultural and food industries. With our IFS Pac secure food grade certified manufacturing facility, they are specialized in producing high-quality paper bags tailored for Potatoes, Flour, and Sugar.

Prince Edward Island (P.E.I) Potato Board

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is looking after the interests of the potato industry on Prince Edward Island.

R.A. Rose and Sons Ltd

R.A. Rose & Sons is a family owned and operated farming and trucking company

Real Potatoes

Real Potatoes Ltd. is a potato variety development and export company built on experience gained through years of successful domestic and international seed production and potato variety development. 

Rollo Bay Holdings Ltd

Rollo Bay Holdings is a company located on Prince Edward Island, Canada specialized in potato producing, marketing, shipping and exporting for the retail and food service markets.

Royal Bank of Canada

Royal Bank of Canada is a global financial institution with a purpose-driven, principles-led approach to delivering leading performance. The bank provides financial assistance to growers.

RWL Holdings Ltd (PEI Potato Solutions)

RWL Holdings is a company that offers services to local (potato) producers including: cleaning, drying, grading and load optimization.

Tolsma Canada

Tolsma canada aims to provide newest & greatest technology for storing &handling potatoes,onions and carrots. The company have extensive knowledge from many years of research & product development which increase their expertise into the work.

United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC)

The United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) aims to improve the marketing of potatoes via the development of better market information and analysis, and stronger communications and cooperation between grower organizations across Canada.

University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI)

University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) is a Canadian University located in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Vanco Farms Ltd

Vanco Farms Ltd. specializes in growing and packing specialty potatoes and organic potatoes.

W.P. Griffin Inc.

W.P. Griffin Inc. is a family owned grower, packer and shipper of potatoes, located on Prince Edward Island, Canada.


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