Directory of All Companies active in the potato sector in California

Landmark Irrigation

Landmark Irrigation is a turn key irrigation dealer, serving California’s Central Valley Ag industry since 1990.

Lawrence Equipment Inc

Lawrence Equipment designs, engineers and manufactures equipment flat bread and fried snacks like tortilla chips.

Legacy Packaging

Legacy Packaging is a solutions company specializing in packaging equipment for many industries. They have offices in Washington and California. They are a new company founded by a team with decades of experience offering single-source packaging integration solutions.

Los Angeles Carton Inc.

Los Angeles Carton Company, Inc. is a distributor of corrugated cartons, shipping and packaging supplies, servicing all of Southern California since 1932.

Luke's Organic

Luke's Organic 100% USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO AND gluten-free salty snacks.

Macroplastic (IPL Macroplastics)

Macroplastic has been the material handling and storage solution for the agricultural, food processing and retail markets.
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Recognized as a global manufacturer of highly engineered food processing equipment and systems, Marlen designs and builds innovative solutions for the food processing industry.

Miso Robotics

Miso Robotics develops and manufactures artificial intelligence-driven robots that assist chefs to make food at restaurants.


MISTA is a global nodal network and innovation platform consisting of members ranging from large, established companies to new food technology start-ups.

Nora Seaweed Snacks

Nora Seawood Snacks is a producer of snackable seaweed chips

NutriAg USA Ltd.

NutriAg is a the crop-technology company that’s dedicated to solving the complex needs of fields and farmers through safe, plant-specific nutrient solutions.

Ohalo Genetics

Ohalo Genetics is a research service company for accelerate genetic gain toward crop improvements that sustainably support the world’s growing population.

Omex USA

Omex is a dynamic group of companies operating throughout the world. Omex USA specialize in complex liquid formulations for use on a wide range of crops.

Outstanding Foods, Inc

Outstanding Foods is the company behind Pig Out plant based 'meat' snacks

PackPlus Converting Inc.

PackPlus Converting Inc. is a home of the widest selection of packaging for Coffee, Tea, Food and other special items.

Pearson Sales Company

Pearson Sales Company is a full line industrial food ingredient distributor that services all foods sectors and types of manufacturing.


Made with real ingredients and bursting with flavor, Popcornopolis' newest flavors are downright tantalizing! These crave-able, everyday snacks will awaken taste buds you didn’t even know you had and make you forget all other snacks that have come before.

Popsalot Popcorn

Popsalot Popcorn of Beverly Hills is a culinary celebration of rich international flavor, fresh California flair & classic American fun. Their 100% natural recipes and artisan technique create innovative flavors that are craveworthy and delightfully carefree.


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