Request for Potato Storage

Mooij Agro Croptimiz-r Storage Computer reveal at Interpom-Primeurs
Croptimiz-r Storage Computer
Mooij Agro introduces a revolution in storage climate control with the Croptimiz-r.
Borms Fontan Elektromobil
Fontan Elektromobil
The Elektromobil is very simple (dummy proof) and can work independently, even without supervision, allowing automation. This results in a considerable time gain.
1,4GROUP - 1,4SIGHT®
Sprout and peep control, pressure bruising and shrink are quality issues that storage managers face every year. Incorporating 1,4SIGHT® into the storage treatment plan can provide unprecedented success in managing these common storage challenges.
Mooij Agro EVA - Easy Virtual Assistant
EVA - Easy Virtual Assistant
The Easy Virtual Assistant – EVA – is the new smart assistant wizard for growers and crop storage operators. EVA is available as an additional module in Croptimiz-r; the latest automation system for crop storage.
Restrain CO2 Extractor
CO2 Extractor
Restrain CO2 extractor to reduce CO2 levels in potato storage facilities. With the extractor, potato growers can manage the CO2 level in their storage
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