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Marel RevoBreader is a multi-purpose breader with drum and flatbed modes in one enclosure, creating the highest quality home style and standard coated products.
Active Flour Applicator
Marel’s Active Flour Applicator is the ideal pre-dust coating solution for the convenience food and snack industry and fits perfectly in a complete convenience line set-up
Active Mixer
Precise batter mixing starts with Marel’s Active Mixer. This semi-automatic mixer takes powder and water and turns it into a homogeneous mixture, which can be tempura or a lower viscosity batter.
Potato Flakes
Potato flakes are the perfect ingredient for a wide range of products, tailored to meet specific needs. Top Tier Ingredients offers a natural potato flake option, free from artificial additives or preservatives.
Hermes is the potato variety with yellow skin, oval, low tuber number and high dormancy. It has high dry matter and good fry colour. It is also suitable for crisp quality production, either fresh or from storage.
Potato Temperature Spikes
Martin Lishman-Potato Temperature Spikes is used for quick and accurate temperature measurement in individual tubers.
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Potato Dry matter Field Kit
This portable unit is specifically designed for use in the field and provides information on dry matter distribution
Zeal Manual Hydrometer
Martin Lishman - Zeal Manual Hydrometer is a traditional industry tool for fast intake sampling and measurement of dry matter and specific gravity (density).
Middle maturing export variety with a good crisping quality. It is a high-yielding variety, strong against scab, heath, and drought.
Negative Pneumatic
Benefits of pneumatically conveying food products include: no line loss, no cross contamination, and very few moving parts when compared to standard solutions like flighted belts or bucket conveyors.
Colombo North America Twin Master Dump Bin
The Colombo North America Twin Master Dump Bin is a specialized agricultural equipment designed for efficient handling of harvested crops.
The TuberLog is a powerful tool to identify sources of damage and bruising in all types of potato handling machinery. TuberLog mimics the size, shape and density of a typical ware potato and is suited to testing all potato handling situations.
Potato Shreds/Strips
Goodrich Cereals offers a wide variety of dehydrated potato shreds or strips for foodservice and manufacturing. These products are remarkably convenient, delivering fresh potato flavor and nutrition without washing, peeling or shredding.