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Optical Size sorter
The square size sorter is designed to determine the square size of a potato and sort out a particular size. The square measure is used to assess the size and shape of a potato.
Merlo S.p.A. has created an exclusive range of telehandlers with small dimensions and respectful of the environment as they are 100% powered by electric batteries. These machines are designed to completely reduce noise levels and polluting emissions
577 (5G) Stainless Steel Reflectance Colorimeter
Photovolt's American-made model 577 (5G) stainless steel unit is the newest addition to our line of colorimeters. The 5G stainless steel unit is designed to simplify the determination of appearance characteristics.
Digital Size Measurement on potato harvester
AVR has integrated a digital size measurement system on the Puma 4.0 self-propelled potato harvester. This system utilizes cameras mounted on the bunker filling belt to determine potato size during harvest.
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Crop Scouting Package (Drone + Software)
AgroScout now offers a complete Crop Scouting Package (Drone + Cloudbased Software).
Hex Spreader
The FoodeQ Hex Spreader can be applied to grade and clear potatoes and other root vegetables from debris and sand. Also, the machine can spread a small product flow over the full width of the machine in a very short distance.
Silicone based (liquid) Defoamer. Combination of Polypropylene Glycol and Co- polymers.
HarvestEye - Handheld
The HarvestEye Handheld System is a game-changer in agricultural data collection that delivers critical sizing insights of your potatoes within 30-60 seconds.
Spiral Freezers
Advanced Food Equipment LLC is one of the top spiral freezer manufacturers in the market, AFE is proud to present lineup of custom spiral freezers that are designed to efficiently freeze thousands of pounds of food per hour, including vegetables, fruit, meat, baked goods, and more.
Distribution Shaker
Most vibratory conveyors are indirectly driven by two out of balance motors based on natural frequency. These shakers shake far more intensely than directly driven shakers, furthermore they use less energy and give less unwanted vibrations that hinder the surroundings.
EnviMaxX Potato Haulm Puller
To reduce carbon dioxide emissions in agriculture, REMA Environmental Machinery BV has developed a 48 Volt fully electrically driven haulm puller / root cutter for mechanical potato haulm (foliage) destruction in (seed) potatoes.
Scale Feed
FoodeQ designs and builds professional shakers exactly according to their customers’ requirements and wishes for a wide range of products and purposes. They build scale feeding vibratory conveyors in all shapes and sizes for product supply for multi-head weigh systems.
One-In-All-Out extraction plant for starch, protein and fibres
With their unique technology concept, One-In-All-Out, you can manufacture high-quality food ingredients tailored for specific markets.
Varitron 470 Platinum Terra Trac
GRIMME presents the second generation, the VARITRON 470 Platinum boasting 435 HP with rubber tracks and 7-ton NonstopBunker as standard.
Mini Pom'Churros
The Mini Pom’Churros revisit the traditional sweet Spanish churros, but this time in a salty variant, based on a slightly seasoned mash made from flavourful Bintje potatoes.
The Vegniek DiscMaster sets a new revolution in the field of haulm pulling in the potato industry. The machine is simple, smart, and reliable and guarantees very good results.