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Kufri Lauvker
Kufri Lavkar is an early maturing variety (matures in 70 days in plateau and 100 days in the plains) with round white and light creamy firm flesh tubers.
FC5 potato variety is known for its lower moisture content, making it ideal for snack production, particularly potato chips.
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Potato Sizing Squares
Martin Lishman - Potato Sizing Squares is a traditional industry tool for assessing and classifying samples according to square mesh size. 17 stainless steel measuring squares; 5mm intervals (20-90mm) plus 42mm (salad)
Positive Pneumatic System
Waste removal is a major challenge in all food processing environments however it is seldom more of an issue than in the fresh-cut fruit and vegetable industry. Reyco Positive Pneumatic conveying system provides a simple, cost-effective solution to these problems.
Potato Granules
Potato granules are precooked, dehydrated potatoes produced in particulate form consisting substantially of whole tissue cells or small aggregates of cells.
Potato Slices
Goodrich Cereals offers a wide variety of dehydrated potato slices for foodservice and manufacturing. These products are remarkably convenient, delivering fresh potato flavor and nutrition without washing, peeling or slicing.
The Santana potato has a light-yellow skin colour and crème colour of flesh. It is a medium early ripening variety with High Yield.
Potato Memphis is a new promising crop variety. It is characterized by good yield and drought resistance, which greatly simplifies care.
Potato Flakes
Potato Flakes are the most important form of dehydrated potato products among others including potato granules, pellets, powder, shredded and sliced potato. The main reason for the widespread usage of potato flakes is their unique ability to reconstitute even with cold water.