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USDA French Fry Color Card
The standard colour card that is used world wide for the evaluation of french fries is the USDA french fry colour card
The TuberLog is a powerful tool to identify sources of damage and bruising in all types of potato handling machinery. TuberLog mimics the size, shape and density of a typical ware potato and is suited to testing all potato handling situations.
Barn Owl Wireless
Barn Owl Wireless is a modular multi-sensor monitoring and automatic ventilation control system. The flexibility of the system makes it ideally suited to potato store monitoring in all sizes and types of store.
Potato Cubes/Dices
Goodrich Cereals offers a wide variety of dehydrated potato cubes or dices for foodservice and manufacturing. These products are remarkably convenient, delivering fresh potato flavor and nutrition without washing, peeling or dicing.
Potato Hot Box
The Potato Hot Box is an economic bruise testing device that assists with crop assessment on-farm before the potatoes go into store or for processing
Potato Dry matter Field Kit
This portable unit is specifically designed for use in the field and provides information on dry matter distribution
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Positive Pneumatic System
Waste removal is a major challenge in all food processing environments however it is seldom more of an issue than in the fresh-cut fruit and vegetable industry. Reyco Positive Pneumatic conveying system provides a simple, cost-effective solution to these problems.
The Reyco WaterVac® has become a standard in the vegetable and fresh-cut industries since 1990. In addition to solving the clumping problem, the WaterVac® will act as a pre-cooler, in some cases eliminating that need altogether.
The GoldFryer lies at the heart of a completely integrated system offering an optimal frying environment as well as oil management, filtration, and storage. It produces uniformly fried products with the perfect color, texture, taste, and exceptional coating adhesion.
Air Make-Up Unit (AMU)
Reyco Systems Air Make-Up Unit (AMU) are manufactured to the highest quality standards to operate in some of the most difficult food processing environments.
Single-Sensor Temperature Packages
Martin Lishman-Single-Sensor Temperature Packages provides simplest way to measure crop temperature and conform to quality assurance schemes.
Lady Rosetta
Lady Rosetta (LR) is the potato variety with red skin, round, uniform tuber with relatively shallow for crisp quality production, either fresh or from storage. This variety is majorly used in the potato chips manufacturing around the world.