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Steam Cooker
The Steam Cooker is one of the most versatile and time-tested components in the potato flake line and provides high volume and even cooks for a high-quality finished product.
Hermes is the potato variety with yellow skin, oval, low tuber number and high dormancy. It has high dry matter and good fry colour. It is also suitable for crisp quality production, either fresh or from storage.
The GoldFryer lies at the heart of a completely integrated system offering an optimal frying environment as well as oil management, filtration, and storage. It produces uniformly fried products with the perfect color, texture, taste, and exceptional coating adhesion.
Negative Pneumatic
Benefits of pneumatically conveying food products include: no line loss, no cross contamination, and very few moving parts when compared to standard solutions like flighted belts or bucket conveyors.
Kufri Lauvker
Kufri Lavkar is an early maturing variety (matures in 70 days in plateau and 100 days in the plains) with round white and light creamy firm flesh tubers.
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Barn Owl Wireless
Barn Owl Wireless is a modular multi-sensor monitoring and automatic ventilation control system. The flexibility of the system makes it ideally suited to potato store monitoring in all sizes and types of store.
Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger
The Kelstream Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger is a vertical heat exchanger used for inline heating and/or cooling of medium to high viscous products, like mashed potatoes.
This tasty Russet Skin variety with medium maturity is the first russet-skinned variety from HZPC.
The LinearOven steams, cooks, and roasts products, including potato specialties. The LinearOven’s dual-zone design lets you precisely adjust the temperature, dew point, and airspeed to create the optimal cooking climates for your specific products.
Potato Dry matter Field Kit
This portable unit is specifically designed for use in the field and provides information on dry matter distribution
The TuberLog is a powerful tool to identify sources of damage and bruising in all types of potato handling machinery. TuberLog mimics the size, shape and density of a typical ware potato and is suited to testing all potato handling situations.
Potato Slices
Goodrich Cereals offers a wide variety of dehydrated potato slices for foodservice and manufacturing. These products are remarkably convenient, delivering fresh potato flavor and nutrition without washing, peeling or slicing.