The Safari potato is a late-maturing variety renowned for its high yield and suitability for the fresh market, particularly as a baker.
- Big size tubers
- High yield
- Very good taste
- Good cooking quality
Tuber Characteristics
- Cooking Type: B (Slightly mealy)
- Maturity: Late
- Yield Mature: High
- Tuber Size: Large
- Tuber Shape: Round oval / Oval
- Number of Tubers: 9-11
- Flesh After Cooking: Light yellow
- Skin Colour: Yellow
- Dormancy Period: Long
- Emergence: Slow
- Metribuzin Sensitivity: Sensitive
- Foliage Development: Strong
- Internal Bruising: Not sensitive
- Little Potato Disorder: Little sensitive
- Dry Matter Content: 19.8%
- Under Water Weight (UWW): 362
- Spraing: Resistant
- Foliage Blight: Slightly susceptible
- Tuber Blight: Susceptible
- Common Scab: Susceptible
- Powdery Scab: Susceptible
- PVYn Virus: Susceptible
- Yntn Tuber Tolerance: Tolerant