Lorimer is an earlymaincrop variety with excellent processing characteristics, round-oval tubers with shallow eyes ideally suited for crisping. Suitable for low temperature, long-term storage with low reducing sugar accumulations and acrylamide formation.
Agronomic Features
Lorimer produces high yields from reduced input levels. Lorimer has resistance to PCN G. rostochiensis as well as bruising and external damage. Lorimer shows excellent resistance to Skin spot and Spraing as well as most skin blemish diseases.
Tuber Characteristics
- Market Sector: C (Processing)
- Maturity: 3 (Early Maincrop)
- Skin Color: W (White)
- Flesh Color: C (Cream)
- Tuber Shape: R (Round)
- Eye Depth: 4 (Shallow to Medium)
- Skin Smoothness: M (Medium)
Disease Resistance Ratings
(Scale: 1 = Very Susceptible, 9 = Highly Resistant)
- Foliage Blight: 5
- Tuber Blight: 4
- Blackleg: 5
- Common Scab: 6
- Powdery Scab: 4
- G. Pallida Pa 2/3,1: 1
- G. Rostochiensis Ro1: 9
- Leafroll Virus: 5
- Virus Y: 2
- Skin Spot: 7
- Black Dot: 5
- Dry Rot (F. coeruleum): 6
- Dry Rot (F. sulphureum): 1
- Silver Scurf: 4