Loane is a high yielding variety, producing big uniform tubers with a very nice shape. The Loane potato variety is a versatile, medium-sized tuber with a smooth, yellow skin and pale yellow to creamy white flesh.
It is an early to mid-season variety, known for its high yields and good disease resistance, including against late blight and common scab. Ideal for roasting, boiling, mashing, and baking, Loane potatoes have a waxy texture that holds up well during cooking, offering a consistent and creamy result.
Plant and Tuber Characteristics
- Foliage maturity: medium late
- Emergence: slow
- Plant vigour: high
- Skin colour deep: yellow
- Flesh colour: yellow
- Tuber shape: long oval
- Shape uniformity: very good
- Eye depth: very shallow
- Tuber size: very large
- Tuber set: fairly low
Pests and Disease Resistances
- Resistance to foliage late blight: moderate
- Resistance to tuber late blight: fairly low
- Resistance to pitted common scab: moderate
- Resistance to netted common scab: fairly high
- Resistance to pvy: moderate
- Resistance to pvyntn: exceptional
- Resistance to pcn g.Rostochiensis (ro1-4): full
- Resistance to pcn g.Pallida (pa2-3): null
- Resistance to early blight: very high
Quality and Use
- Yield: high
- Dry matter content: medium (18-20%)
- Cooking type: B
- Disintegration: slight
- After cooking darkening: very slight
- Frying colour at harvest: medium
- Storage ability: high