Jaerla is an early to very early ware potato with a very coarse, regular grading. This breed is very popular in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea.
- Skin Color: Yellow to light brown.
- Flesh Color: Light yellow to cream.
- Shape: Oval to round.
- Size: Medium-sized tubers.
- Texture: Firm texture with a smooth skin.
- Eye Depth: Shallow eyes, making it easier to peel.
- Yield: Moderate to high yield, producing a good number of tubers per plant.
- Maturity: Early-maturing variety, typically ready for harvest in about 70-90 days.
- Disease Resistance: Good resistance to common potato diseases, including some resistance to blight. Moderate resistance to common scab.
- Storage Quality: Good storage capabilities, retains quality over time when stored properly.
- Flavor: Mild and slightly earthy flavor, suitable for a variety of culinary uses.
- Dry Matter Content: Moderate dry matter content, making it suitable for various cooking methods including boiling, roasting, and baking.