Potato Variety Information

Variety Name: FolkRights Holder | Breeder: Germicopa (Societe Germicopa SAS)Country of Origin: France FranceYear of of introduction: 2018Parentage: CHARLOTTExNADINE

Variety Description

The Folk potato variety features yellow skin and flesh, with an oval to elongated shape and firm texture. It is versatile for boiling, steaming, roasting, baking, and mashing, offering a golden, crispy exterior and creamy interior when cooked. Folk potatoes are adaptable to various growing conditions, thrive in well-drained soils and temperate climates, and provide a reliable yield with moderate to good resistance to common potato diseases.

Plant and Tuber Characteristics

  • Foliage Maturity: Medium 
  • Emergence: Fairly Fast 
  • Plant Vigour: High 
  • Tuber Shape: Short Oval 
  • Shape Uniformity: Good 
  • Eye Depth: Shallow 
  • Skin Colour: Yellow 
  • Flesh Colour: Yellow 
  • Tuber Size: Fairly Large 
  • Tuber Set: Fairly High (10-12)


  • Resistance to Foliage Late Blight: Fairly High 
  • Resistance to Tuber Late Blight: Fairly High 
  • Resistance to Pitted Common Scab: Fairly High 
  • Resistance to Netted Common Scab: Fairly High 
  • Resistance to Pvy: Very High 
  • Resistance to Pvyntn: High 
  • Resistance to Pcn G.rostochiensis (RO1-4): Full 
  • Resistance to Pcn G.pallida (PA2-3): Null 
  • Resistance to Wart Disease (F1): Full


  • Yield: High 
  • Dry Matter Content: Medium:18-20% 
  • Cooking Type: AB
  • Disintegration: Slight 
  • After Cooking Darkening: Very Slight 
  • Frying Colour at Harvest: Good 
  • Storage Ability: Moderate

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