DUNDEE (MSZ242-13)

DUNDEE (MSZ242-13)

Potato Variety Information

Variety Name: Dundee (MSZ242-13)Rights Holder | Breeder: Michigan State University and the MSU AgBioResearchCountry of Origin: United States United StatesYear of of introduction:

Variety Description

Dundee is a chip-processing potato with high specific gravity and resistance to common scab (Streptomyces scabies) and has demonstrated excellent long-term storage chip-processing quality. This variety has high specific gravity and average yield potential, with attractive, uniformly round tubers. 

Dundee has a medium vine and a mid-full season maturity. Dundee has performed well in Michigan and multiple locations in the Potatoes USA National Chip Processing Trials (NCPT) and national, multi-state SNAC trials.

Agronomic Characteristics: 

  • Tubers: Uniform, smooth, round tubers with lightly netted, tan colored skin. Tubers have a white flesh with a low incidence of internal defects.
  • Vine Maturity: Mid-full season maturity.
  • Yield: Average yield under irrigated conditions, with uniform tubers.
  • Specific Gravity: Average
  • Culinary Quality: Chip-processes from short and long-term storage.
  • Diseases: Resistant to common scab (Streptomyces scabies).

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