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Agricultural Statistics Caribbean
Potato Area Harvested in 2001 : | 18279.00 | Ha | Aggregate, may include official, semi-official, estimated or calculated data | ℹ |
Potato Seed in 2001 : | 17034.20 | tonnes | Aggregate, may include official, semi-official, estimated or calculated data | ℹ |
Potato Production in 2000 : | 408227.00 | tonnes | Aggregate, may include official, semi-official, estimated or calculated data | ℹ |
Potato Yield in 2000 : | 250093.00 | Hg/Ha | Calculated data | ℹ |
Potato Seed in 2000 : | 18290.60 | tonnes | Aggregate, may include official, semi-official, estimated or calculated data | ℹ |
Potato Area Harvested in 2000 : | 16323.00 | Ha | Aggregate, may include official, semi-official, estimated or calculated data | ℹ |
Potato Production in 1999 : | 392730.00 | tonnes | Aggregate, may include official, semi-official, estimated or calculated data | ℹ |
Consumption Statistics Caribbean
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 1962: | 21.82 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 1961: | 8.66 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 1961: | 18.88 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |