Potato News

Kent Crisps comments on their newest flavour partnership
March 19, 2021

Kent Crisps announces a new local flavour partnership

UK Potato chips manufacturer Kent Crisps is staying true to their signature approach of working with Kent producers to create classic flavours with a local twist: their latest flavour - Lamb and Rosemary - is made using grass fed Romney lamb from Kent Shepherd.
Street Food Party with the Perfect Indulgent Partnership – German Sausage and British chips!
March 18, 2021

Fish and Chips? Lamb Weston suggests Sausage and Chips for the next Street Food Party!

Lamb Weston teams up with The Sausage Man to inspire operators with innovative, celebratory dishes for the coming summer months. And Chef Philli Armitage-Mattin has joined the two companies to help kick-off the collaboration in style!
Koch Separation Solutions Expands Global Presence in Plant-Based Protein Production
March 18, 2021

Koch Separation Solutions help Royal Avebe to create high-value potato protein

Koch Separation Solutions (KSS) announced today that it will collaborate with Royal Avebe (Avebe), a leading international starch manufacturer, to implement a comprehensive separation solution for plant-based protein processing.
Costly seed potatoes and a low guaranteed selling price (MSP) could spell disaster for West Bengal farmers
March 18, 2021

Costly seed potatoes and a low guaranteed selling price (MSP) could spell disaster for West Bengal farmers

Potato cultivators in West Bengal were afraid they will face severe losses as the price of good quality seeds have skyrocketed even as the minimum support price (MSP) fixed has remained relatively low.
Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season
March 18, 2021

Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season

VerDi Import in the Netherlands has received their first Nicola potatoes. These arrived from Morocco at the beginning of the month.
Wilde Brands Disrupts Protein Snack Category (Again) with Launch of First-Ever Pork Chip
March 16, 2021

Wilde Brands Disrupts Protein Snack Category with Launch of First-Ever Pork Chip

Salty, crunchy snacks have long been relegated to the sidelines – something to consume while watching television from the couch, movies in theatres, or games from the stands. But what if someone did it differently?
Kenya’s potato production expected to hit 2.5 mln tonnes in 2021
March 16, 2021

Kenya’s potato production expected to hit 2.5 mln tonnes in 2021

Kenya’s potato production could hit 2.5 million tonnes in 2021 up from the estimated 2 million tonnes produced in 2020, the industry said on Friday.
Mallorca starts potato export to the United Kingdom: The Lady Christl variety is the first of the early potatoes
March 16, 2021

Mallorca starts potato export to the United Kingdom: Lady Christl variety is the first of the early potatoes

The export of potatoes from Mallorca to the United Kingdom and Scandinavia of Lady Christl new potatoes started on Sunday. The centre of this export in Mallorca is the municipality Sa Pobla, where exporters still have some concerns because of Brexit.
Consejos para plantar las cosechas de primavera
March 16, 2021

Consejos para plantar las cosechas de primavera

Explican en SatAgro que un tercio de los agricultores españoles aprovecha los meses previos a la primavera para realizar la siembre. Maíz o patata son los cultivos preferentes del mes de febrero, aunque también las gramíneas como el trigo, la avena, la cebada o el centeno.
Venezuela: Productores de papa presentarán propuestas ante la Asamblea Nacional
March 16, 2021

Venezuela: Productores de papa presentarán propuestas ante la Asamblea Nacional

El presidente de la Federación Nacional de Productores de Papas y Hortalizas (Fenaphort) solicitó a las autoridades que se abran las exportaciones de papas y hortalizas hacia los mercados del Caribe.
Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel
March 16, 2021

Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel

La patata es un alimento delicado, que, pese a sus bondades, puede tornarse tóxico si no tenemos algunas precauciones. El motivo no es otro que los glicoalcaloides, unas sustancias que contiene este tubérculo de forma natural y que si se ingieren, pueden provocar distintos problemas para la salud.
Lamb Weston Announces Arrival of its French Fries brand in Mercosur
March 16, 2021

Lamb Weston Announces Arrival of its French Fries brand in Mercosur

Lamb Weston is pleased to announce the arrival of Lamb Weston branded french fries in Mercosur. This was made possible through a joint venture with Sociedad Comercial del Plata in Argentina, called Lamb Weston Alimentos Modernos S.A.(AMSA).


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