Potato News

October 03, 2008

5,5% meer aardappelen verwerkt in eerste acht maanden 2008

De verwerking van aardappelen tot consumptieproducten in Nederland is over de periode januari t/m augustus 2008 al bijna 116.000 ton (+ 5,5%) hoger dan in de periode januari t/m augustus 2007. Totaal is er over de eerste 8 maanden van 2008 2.156.200 t...
October 02, 2008

Restaurantes de California pronto comenzarán a anunciar calorias

California se convirtió el martes en el primer estado estadounidense que exigirá que las cadenas de comida rápida anuncien las calorías en su menú. El estado estima que sus residentes colectivamente han aumentado 165 millones de kilos en la última déc...
Burger King
October 02, 2008

BURGER KING Restaurants Now Using Trans Fat Free Cooking Oils as Part of BK Positive Steps Nutrition Program

Burger King Corp. (NYSE:BKC) announced today that all BURGER KING(R) restaurants nationwide are now cooking with trans fat free cooking oils. Furthermore, by Nov. 1, 2008, all BURGER KING(R) menu ingredients will contain zero grams artificial trans f...
October 02, 2008

PepsiCo Marks Progress Toward Sustainability Goals: Advancing on Water, Electricity & Fuel Saving Initiatives

PepsiCo (NYSE: PEP ) announced today that it has made significant progress toward its long-term environmental sustainability goals, which include reducing water consumption by 20 percent, electricity consumption by 20 percent and fuel consumption by 25...
October 02, 2008

McDonald's to speed up east Europe expansion

McDonald's Corp will speed up its expansion drive in central and eastern Europe to tap into the region's vibrant growth and increasingly affluent middle class, its No. 2 official said.Over the last several years, McDonald's has not grown significantly ...
October 02, 2008

Wisconsin Potato Crop 2007 (final report)

Wisconsin potato farmers produced 28.2 million hundredweight of potatoes during the 2007 growing year on 64,000 acres. The state's agriculture department says 94-percent of that crop was sold as either fresh market, processing or seed potatoes. The rem...
October 02, 2008

No more potato chips in Polish Schools

A new healthy eating campaign in Polish schools is to deprive kids of their favourite snacks of crisps and candy being sold at the school shop.Poland’s Chief Sanitary Inspectorate is preparing a revolution in snacks on offer at shops in Polish schools:...
October 02, 2008

P.E.I. potato growers up for AgriRecovery aid

Potato growers on Prince Edward Island affected by "extreme wet weather"can now share up to $12.4 million in federal/provincial aid through the AgriRecovery program.AgriRecovery, one of the programs under the federal government's Growing Forw...
October 02, 2008

Russian federation Oilseeds and products;October 2008 Monthly update

Post forecasts production of major oilseeds at 8.1 million metric tons (MMT), including 6.7 MMT of sunflowerseeds, 680,000 metric tons (MT) of soybeans, and 720,000 MT of rapeseeds. Russia's imports of these three oilseeds will be 450,000 MT, including...
 Tyrrells new Ale and Cheese flavoured potato chips
October 02, 2008

Tyrrells launches new ale and cheese crisps

Tyrrells' latest adventure into the world of innovative and mouth-watering flavours delivers nothing short of a local match made in heaven. ‘Dorothy Goodbody Ale &Mature Cheddar Cheese' is the latest new winter seasonal potato chip flavour from Tyr...
October 02, 2008

"Frituurvet mag gerecycleerd worden tot biobrandstof"

Het bedrijf Indinox uit Lokeren wil kleinschalige productie-installaties maken voor biodiesel op basis van frituurvet. Maar vanwege "onvolkomenheden in de wetgeving"werd besloten om de proefinstallatie over te brengen naar Estland. In een rea...
October 01, 2008

Agrana reports loss for 1H FY09

At AGRANA, the international sugar, starch and fruit group, the first half of the 2008|09 financial year was defined by high raw material and energy prices. The resulting decrease in margins, along with one-time expenses for a write- down on apple ju...


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