Potato News

April 14, 2009

Retail Frozen Food Market in the UK keeps growing

The latest data from TNS Worldpanel for the United Kingdom in the 52 weeks ending 25th January 2009 shows the UK retail market for frozen food increased in value by 6.7% year on year. The market has now shown 10 consecutive quarters of accelerating gr...
April 14, 2009

Higher prices on the Menu at McDonald's?

A consulting firm that advises McDonald's franchisees is recommending steeper increases this year than it has in the past, according to documents from a presentation to restaurant owners in February. Price hikes have been a key driver of sales growth...
 New Kettle Brand Potato Chips with Jalapeno flavor
April 14, 2009

Kettle Brand Potato Chips adds Jalapeno flavour

With smoldering, south of the border flavor, new Kettle Brand® Jalapeño Potato Chips are naturally turning up the heat on Cinco de Mayo.Hitting store shelves in May, in time for Cinco de Mayo celebrations, Kettle Brand® Jalapeño Potato Chips strike th...
 Interpack Processes and Packaging 2011
April 14, 2009

Preparations for Interpack 2011 in full swing

The Interpack Advisory Council has begun concrete preparations for the event, Interpack Process and Packaging 2011. Christian Traumann, managing director, Multivac Sepp Haggenmuller GmbH&Co KG, has been assigned the top council job as president of ...
April 13, 2009

En Peru lanzan a las calles nuevos carritos "paperos"

Como iniciativa para promover el mayor consumo de papa en el país, el ministro de Agricultura, Carlos Leyton Muñoz, y representantes de la Municipalidad de Lima, lanzaron los novedosos “carritos paperos”. Los carritos “paperos” ofrecerán al público pl...
April 13, 2009

Nepal's potato consumption near twice world average

Per capita availability of potatoes in Nepal has crossed the world average due to a sharp rise in production over the past one and a half decades, officials said. The Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MoAC) stated that the production of potato...
 British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF)
April 11, 2009

BFFF: Energy savings possible in the Frozen Food cold chain

The British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF) identified opportunities for energy savings and the related CO2 emission reductions related to improved temperature management in frozen food manufacturing and in cold stores.The project had support and fundin...
April 11, 2009

Be careful working with industrial fryers

A 28-year-old man who works at the Cavendish Farms french fry plant in Jamestown was airlifted to the Minneapolis St. Paul burn unit on Thursday evening following a workplace accident, WDAY reported Friday.
April 11, 2009

Potato Prices in Uttar Pradesh double in a week

Potato, the crop which was dumped in fields to rot last year due to over-production has suddenly scaled record heights this season. The increased demand and rampant hoarding by traders has propelled the prices by over 100 per cent over last week.The cr...
April 11, 2009

Potato Growers in Pakistan oppose duty free potato import

The Farmers Associates Pakistan (FAP) has said potato growers are facing huge losses due to an unfavourable decision of the government allowing duty-free import of potato at a time when the country has produced a bumper crop.The FAP said that the gover...
Purple Heart: New Zealand's Purple Potatoes
April 11, 2009

Purple Heart: New Zealand's Purple Potatoes

New Zealand potato breeder Plant and Food Research has added a new attractive purple skinned variety to its range, which may have added health benefits. With a vivid purple skin and distinctive speckled purple flesh inside, Purple Heart was one of 16 c...
April 10, 2009

UK Potato Growers report good planting progress

Main crop potato planting is well under way across the UK, with many areas nearing completion.Rob Burrow of the Potato Council says: "Despite a slow start, due to low soil temperatures in some areas, planting has gone very well and has been proble...


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