Potato News

May 22, 2009

Days of rain flood fields of Florida potatoes almost ready for harvest

A week of heavy rains has caused what one Putnam County potato grower called a tri-county disaster."We had 13 inches of rain by noon Wednesday,"said Crescent City grower Joey Froehlich."It's a disaster - it's too wet and I think people w...
May 21, 2009

Las Pringles vuelven a ser patatas

Dejaron de serlo durante unos años para la justicia británica, pero hoy la Corte de Apelación ha decidido que las Pringles son «patatas chip» y, lo más importante, han de pagar el 15% de impuesto que llevan todos los productos comestibles en el Reino q...
May 21, 2009

Los primeros intentos de conservar papa para industria

Producir papas fritas en Argentina allá por los años sesenta y pico era todo un desafío, no en la tecnología (fritura) que estaba disponible, sino en la calidad de papa.
 Greenvale AP
May 20, 2009

Greenvale closing potato processing plant in Wisbech

Up to 17 jobs could go following the announcement that Greenvale Foods will be shutting its potato processing plant in Wisbech by June 14.Some of the equipment and current orders will be transferred to the company's factory in Telford.A spokesman for G...
May 20, 2009

Industrialización de la papa en Argentina

Presentación en PowerPoint del Ing. Agr. MSc. Mariano Inchausti (70 diapositivas) con información gráfica de mucha utilidad (2008).
May 20, 2009

Angry Irish potato farmers storm Tesco Managers meeting

Tesco last night insisted it was the world's "biggest supporter"of Irish food and drink producers after a group of farmers stormed a meeting of the supermarket chain's top managers yesterday.Around 30 potato growers burst into a meeting at a ...
Pringles (US product shown)
May 20, 2009

Pringles are potato chips after all, judge rules

The UK taxman has won the right to charge a VAT bill worth 20p for every pack of Pringles sold after a landmark court case defining the product as a crisp. The manufacturers Procter &Gamble has been arguing for many years that the Pringle should ...
 Mintel Market Research
May 19, 2009

Mintel: 100-calorie packs a tough sell: price and size deter hungry consumers (US)

Though weight and health are major issues in today’s society, Mintel sees lagging interest in portion-controlled packaging. Only one in seven adults (14%) currently buy pre-measured packs, and the number one reason they do is convenience. Weight mana...
May 19, 2009

Bilateral cooperation between Romania and Canada includes potato research

Romanian Minister of Agriculture Ilie Sarbu has received on Monday the official visit of Canada Senate’s delegation headed by Chairman Noel Kinsella, the main discussed topics being the strengthening of the bilateral cooperation relations between the ...
 Food Standards Agency
May 18, 2009

FSA publishes revised salt reduction targets for 2012

In May 2009 the Agency published revised salt reduction targets for 2012, for 80 categories of foods. These are more challenging than the previous targets for 2010. The earlier voluntary salt reduction targets were published in March 2006 for 85 catego...
 National Restaurant Association
May 18, 2009

NRA 2009: Pavilions highlight organic, green product lines

Natural and eco-friendly offerings continue to draw operators' attention as demonstrated by the products showcased in the Organic &Natural and Green Restaurant Products pavilions at the 2009 National Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel S...
May 18, 2009

Greenlandic soil preventing potato diseases?

There is something about the Greenlandic earth that is preventing fungus diseases like mould from attacking and destroying Greenlandic potatoes. This has piqued the interest of Danish researchers, reports Politiken Søndag newspaper. ‘If we can identif...


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