Potato News

June 24, 2009

Pepsico takes stake in Calbee;Frito-Lay Japan becomes part of expanded company

Pepsico Inc. is acquiring a stake in Calbee Foods Co., Japan’s biggest producer of potato chips and shrimp crackers, as part of a push to sell more snacks overseas.PepsiCo, the world’s biggest snack-food maker, said in a statement it will exchange its ...
June 23, 2009

Grootste retailers steeds dominanter

De twintig grootste retailers ter wereld zijn goed voor een kwart van de totale wereldwijde foodomzet. De gezamenlijke omzet is 1,95 triljoen dollar. Planet Retail zette de twintig grootste foodretailers ter wereld op een rijtje en voorspelt hoe ze er ...
June 22, 2009

Frito-Lay India builds warehouse for potato storage in West Bengal

Frito-lay India has decided to set up a state-of-the-art warehouse for storage of potato.“Sourcing chip-grade potatoes remains a challenge. We are establishing a state-of-the-art warehouse, a first in India, near our manufacturing facility in West Beng...
Cavendish Farms unveils new Bio-Gas Facility
June 22, 2009

Cavendish Farms unveils new Bio-Gas Facility

Cavendish Farms, one of North America's leading producers of frozen potato products, unveiled a critical vital new element in their environmental action plan, and a first for the potato industry in North America.
June 19, 2009

Certis range has use on potato crops reinstated

The range of Certis metaldehyde slug pellets, Trigger, Certis Metaldehyde and Certis Red have had their use on potato crops reinstated. Uniquely, the approval permits a harvest interval of just seven days. The news follows the revocation of all metalde...
June 19, 2009

Importante instalación de planta industrial

En el municipio de General Alvarado se inauguró la planta industrial de Conasud. Conosud es una empresa de origen santafesino que elabora escamas de papas y exporta el 50% de su producción a Europa y países como Brasil, Venezuela y Japón. Produce más d...
June 18, 2009

Realizarán Congreso Latinoamericano de la papa en Cusco

El Ministerio de Agricultura (Minag) oficializó la realización del XXIV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), a desarrollarse en la ciudad surandina del Cusco del 23 al 28 de mayo de 2010.
June 17, 2009

Saint John River Valley Potato Inc. Celebrates Grand Opening

Federal representatives joined company officials, members of the community and former Triple Crown jockey winner Ron Turcotte, to celebrate the grand opening of a new packing plant at Saint John River Valley Potato Inc. “Our government is proud to par...
June 17, 2009

Trans Fats Hinder Multiple Steps in Blood Flow Regulation Pathways – Study

In the August 2009 issue of the international journal Atherosclerosis, University of Illinois emeritus veterinary biosciences professor Fred Kummerow reports for the first time that trans fats interfere with more than one key enzyme in the regulation o...
 Afghanistan potato farmer (Source: IRIN News)
June 17, 2009

Uphill struggle for potato farmers in Afghanistan's Bamyan Province

Farmers in Afghanistan’s top potato-producing province are complaining about declining profits, mainly because of cold weather, lack of storage facilities and bad roads. Potato cultivation in Bamyan Province, central Afghanistan, employs thousands of p...
June 17, 2009

Idaho Fry Co., potato commission agree to new name for Boise business

Idaho Fry Co. co-owner Blake Lingle said Tuesday that he and his business partner met with officials at the Idaho Potato Commission and came to an agreement on a new name for the business. Plans for a naming contest were scrapped in favor of resolving...
 Sormac MS-Combi peeler in use on Noirmoutier
June 17, 2009

Sormac MS-Combi Peeler for Coopérative de Noirmoutier in France

Knife peeling gives a very attractive peeling result compared to roller peelers. The potatoes have a hand peeled appearance and, moreover, their smooth exterior keeps them in good, fresh condition for longer. However, for a good peeling result, prepeel...


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