Potato News

September 06, 2009

El negocio de la papa frita crece saltando obstáculos

Lucana, La Paceñita, El Pibe o Batman son algunas de las marcas de papas fritas, elaboradas de manera casi industrial por unas 25 pequeñas empresas familiares que decidieron optar por la formalidad. Ofrecen productos de calidad, pueden dar factura, acc...
 Fire at the Cavendish Farms French fry factory in Jamestown
September 05, 2009

Cavendish Jamestown French Fry plant to reopen within four weeks

Officials at Cavendish Farms expect the James-town potato-processing plant damaged by fire on August 31, 2009 to be operational within the next four weeks, said Mary Keith, vice president of communications with Cavendish Farms, by e-mail Thursday eveni...
 Potatoes New Zealand
September 05, 2009

Potato Psyllids ravaged crop in New Zealand

The full effect of tomato and potato psyllids, a plant disease that damages potato and tomato plants is beginning to be understood and the news is not good.Potato growers around Hawke’s Bay abandoned hectares of failed crops this year, not bothering t...
September 04, 2009

Potato Peel waste helps predators of thrips in greenhouses

As part of a research project into methods to reinforce anti-parasite biological agents in growth media, the horticulture department of the Dutch University of Wageningen has made a promising discovery. When the growing medium is covered with waste fro...
 Supermarket Guru
September 04, 2009

Sustainability at Frito-Lay (Phil Lempert Supermarket Guru)

What began as two small, mom-and-pop chip operations back in the early 1930’s is now the largest snack-selling company in the United States. Today, Frito-Lay, maker of such favorites as LAY'S®, FRITOS®, CHEETOS® and SUNCHIPS®, has more than fifteen $10...
September 04, 2009

Egypt and the European Union fight over potatoes

Potatoes are once again a hot topic of contention between Egypt and the European Union. A couple of weeks ago, following the discovery of some cases of brown rot, the EU decided to impose a ban on Egyptian potato exports. An Egyptian-EU agreement stipu...
September 04, 2009

Sultry Sally has re-launched its low fat potato chip with even less fat

Sultry Sally has re-launched its low fat potato chip in a lower fat version.After extensive consultation with consumers, Sultry Sally's new chip claims to have seven to eight times less fat than a normal potato chip.The new formula chips are marketed a...
September 04, 2009

Onderwatergewicht zetmeelaardappelen Avebe boven gemiddeld

Het onderwatergewicht van de zetmeelaardappelen die zijn aangevoerd bij Avebe ligt tot nu toe gemiddeld op 475 gram. Dat is ruim boven het meerjarige gemiddelde, meldt woordvoerder Johan Russchen van het aardappelzetmeelconcern.Volgens Russchen zijn ...
September 03, 2009

US consumers ‘unaware of acrylamide’

The majority of US consumers are unaware of acrylamide even as major North American governments are taking action to deal with the suspected carcinogen, according to new consumer research. Acrylamide is a chemical produced during high temperature cooki...
 Potato Europe 2009
September 03, 2009

Emmeloord ’s werelds aardappelhoofdstad tijdens PotatoEurope 2009

Nog een week te gaan en dan gaat PotatoEurope 2009 in Emmeloord van start. PotatoEurope is ’s werelds grootste internationale aardappelevenement. Het evenement bestaat uit drie componenten: een internationale vakbeurs, velddemonstraties en een internat...
September 03, 2009

Restaurant Industry criticizes report’s suggestion that fast-food bans will curb obesity

Industry officials are assailing a recently published report recommending that local governments seeking to curb obesity should ban fast-food restaurants from operating near schools and in certain neighborhoods.A report by the Institute of Medicine and...
 Seabrook potato crisps
September 02, 2009

Youngsters try to beat the bosses working at Seabrook crisp factory

A new BBC TV series, Beat the Boss, involves teams of youngsters and adults competing to devise new products. For one of the programmes experts at Bradford’s Seabrook Crisps worked with teams to develop new ranges and flavours. Three 11 and 12-year...


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