Potato News

National Starch
November 22, 2009

Avebe and National Starch expand cooperation

AVEBE and National Starch Food Innovation have mutually agreed to expand the application scope of their existing alliance and cooperate in specialty potato starch applications in the global personal care market.This follows the successful formation of ...
November 22, 2009

La industria vasca de la patata

Que en Alava se producen muchas patatas es algo que todos sabíamos. Lo que no es tan conocido es que en Euskadi hay varias empresas líderes en este campo. Destacan especialmente Udapa, una cooperativa que comercializa tubérculos y semillas y factura 14...
November 21, 2009

Earl Smith receives PEI Potato Board Award

Earl Smith accepted the P.E.I. Potato Board’s recognition award for his 44 years of service to the potato industry on the Island at the board’s annual banquet at Credit Union Place last night. The Summerside farmer began his career with Canada Packers ...
November 20, 2009

Lamb Weston Meijer wil op termijn eigen biogas installatie

Aardappelverwerkingsbedrijf Lamb Weston/Meijer in Kruiningen wil op termijn een biogasinstallatie in gebruik nemen.Het bedrijf heeft daarvoor een zogeheten 8.19 melding Wet Milieubeheer gedaan bij de gemeente Reimerswaal.Zo'n melding is noodzakelijk al...
November 20, 2009

McCain Foods closes Tasmanian vegetable processing plant

McCain Foods Australia will close its vegetable processing plant in Smithton (Tasmania) after completion of the coming processing season.Staff involved was informed earlier today. McCain Foods Managing Director Australia/New Zealand Steven Yung: "...
 TNA Intelli-flav 2
November 20, 2009

TNA highlights Roflo 3 - Intelli-flav® 2 Flavouring System integration

TNA introduces the TNA Intelli-flav® 2 flavouring system for flavoured products as a completely integrated component of the new TNA Roflo® 3 gateless and fully reversible transfer and distribution conveyors for the snack food industry. The TNA Intelli-...
 McCain Foods
November 19, 2009

McCain Foods sells Taiwanese manufacturing activities

Today the management of McCain Foods Taiwan announced the sale of its dumpling and hot pot ingredients manufacturing activities in Kaohsiung’s Chi Shan area to Sinkung, a Taiwanese food processer specialising in Asian foods. The buyers have expressed t...
Cavendish Farms
November 19, 2009

Prince Edward Island government offers Cavendish Farms workers money for training during shutdowns

The union representing Cavendish Farms workers has publicly thanked the P.E.I. government for more than $600,000 in training money.The money will allow employees of the company's two potato processing plants in New Annan who expect to be out of work du...
 Potato Council Limited
November 19, 2009

Update on the Northern European potato market (Euro Potato)

The 2009/10 potato season may still have progress to make, according to representatives of the Northwest European Potato Growers (NEPG).This report looks at current situations, including the latest production estimate from Belgium, which could provide ...
 AFFI Conference
November 19, 2009

American Frozen Food Institute Announces New Conferences Staff

American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) President and CEO Kraig R. Naasz today announced the addition of two new staff members to AFFI’s conferences department. Mary Becton joins AFFI as the new director of conferences, while Kristen Friend is the new ma...
Aceite de papas fritas moverá flotilla de Burger King
November 18, 2009

Aceite de papas fritas moverá flotilla de Burger King

La cadena de restaurantes de comida rápida Burger King (BK) usará el aceite para hacer las papas fritas como combustible para su flota de camiones. El biocombustible utilizado se elabora a partir de aceite vegetal, aproximadamente unos 300 litros diar...
November 18, 2009

Aardappeldemodag: Europese aardappelsector in zwaar weer

De Europese aardappelsector heeft het moeilijk. Dat komt deels door de economische crisis, maar ook door een onbalans tussen vraag en aanbod.Pas als de economische crisis achter de rug is kan een betere situatie ontstaan. Dat zei Kees van Arendonk vand...


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