Potato News

Emblemático logo de McDonald's cambia de color por el medio ambiente
November 25, 2009

Emblemático logo de McDonald's cambia de color por el medio ambiente

Como una forma de ponerse a tono con la preocupación mundial por el medio ambiente, la mayor cadena mundial de restaurantes, McDonald’s, cambiará el rojo por verde en su logo en los locales de Europa. “Con esta nueva imagen queremos dejar clara nuestr...
November 25, 2009

Frozen Potato Institute behind acrylamide comment period extension

The Frozen Potato Institute [AFFI] whose members supply fast food chains with the raw material for french fries, succeeded in persuading FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition to extend its comment period on scientific data and information ...
November 24, 2009

Levensmiddelenindustrie veel positiever over investeringen in 2010 dan andere industrietakken

Bedrijven in de voedings- en genotmiddelenindustrie zijn positiever over 2010 dan de rest van de industrie. Waar de industrie als geheel een daling van de investeringen met 1 procent verwacht, rekent de foodindustrie op 12 procent meer investeringen.D...
 Food Institute supermarket Prices
November 24, 2009

US Food-at-home inflation rate at lowest level since 1992

Phil Lempert Supermarket Guru reports a Food Institute analysis of newly released government data shows grocery prices in October posted their largest decline in 50 years.The Consumer Price Index for food-at-home last month was 2.8% less than the same ...
 Krispy Kreme
November 24, 2009

Wendy's Arby's Group interested in Krispy Kreme?

Wendy’s/Arby’s Group Inc. and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc. would not comment on a report Monday speculating that a deal may be in the works.An item in Briefing.com, as reported by Barrons, said that the parent of the Wendy’s and Arby’s fast-food brands ...
Pringles character
November 24, 2009

P&G 'donates air' not included in Pringles cans

To celebrate Pringles' "parade of 100 crisps"and less air than the leading bagged chips, Pringles' teams are coming to New York City on November 25 for 24 hours, to donate air not used in its cans for parade balloons this holiday season. Dur...
November 24, 2009

PEI Potato farmers hope aggressive marketing will benefit industry

P.E.I.’s potato farmers are hoping more aggressive marketing will help their industry bounce back after a tough season.Many Island growers met Friday in Summerside for the P.E.I Potato Board's annual general meeting.Board chair Boyd Murphy said this ye...
November 24, 2009

Aardappel opbrengst en voorraad metingen BAI

Bureau Aardappelmarkt Informatie (BAI) van het Productschap Akkerbouw heeft rond 15 november de gebruikelijke telefonische opbrengst- en voorraadmeting enquête gehouden onder consumptieaardappeltelers.Marktschattingen zijn gebaseerd op de reacties van ...
November 24, 2009

Restaurant inspired Private label foods

What do French pastry vegetarian pizza, Buffalo-style chicken meatballs, and orange citrus soufflés have in common? All of these products were on display at the recent Private Label Manufacturers Assoc. Trade Show in Rosemont, Ill. As private label foo...
November 24, 2009

Hardee's plans to open 25 restaurants in Pakistan;first restaurant opens

CKE Restaurants, Inc.(NYSE: CKR) today announced the opening of its first Hardee’s® restaurant in Lahore, Pakistan. This marks the first of at least 25 Hardee’s restaurants to be opened in Pakistan within the next five years. The franchised Hardee’s re...
 Potato Council
November 23, 2009

UK potato levy increase is fully justified

At first glance, the planned 9% increase in the potato levy over the next three years seems hard to justify.For a start, it is coming in a year in which UK potato prices have been under considerable pressure. The last thing any grower needs is another ...
McCain cierra su planta de procesado de hortalizas en Australia
November 23, 2009

McCain cierra su planta de procesado de hortalizas en Australia

McCain Foods ha anunciado que cerrará su planta de procesamiento de hortalizas en Smithton, en el noroeste de Tasmania, en noviembre de 2010. La fábrica le ofrecerá planes de despido a sus 115 empleados permanentes, con una antelación de seis a 12 me...


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