Vanmark Transverse Washer

Vanmark Transverse Washer

Vanmark Transverse Washer

The Transverse Washer removes dirt and debris using a range of roll types, speeds, spray bars, and retention flaps, resulting in thorough and efficient scrubbing in a short distance. Products are spread across the bed in a single layer quickly, providing more effective dry debris removal and wet scrubbing of fine particles.

Customize the Transverse Washer for your specific application with a variety of options and accessories.

  • The clean product efficiently and effectively – from dirt clods to fine particles
  • Configure roll types, number of rolls, speed and optional spray bars and retention flaps to your exact operation
  • Available for dry debris removal and wet scrubbing applications
  • The optional elevating frame allows you to capture, weigh and sell back debris
  • Sanitary design with an open bed and easily accessible rolls allows for quick and thorough cleaning

Transverse Washer Equipment Information