Boise State University receives IGEM grant to assist industry partner Food Physics Group

Boise State University receives IGEM grant to assist industry partner Food Physics Group

Boise State University receives IGEM grant to assist industry partner Food Physics Group

March 05, 2021
Idaho Commerce announce in a press release the latest recipients of two Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) grants. IGEM funds are awarded to Idaho public research universities to partner with industry leaders on research projects geared toward commercialization.

On Tuesday, Feb. 23, the IGEM Council awarded Boise State University with a grant in the amount of $291,770 to assist industry partner, Food Physics Group, with research and development of pulsed electric field processing on potatoes to reduce acrylamide and sugars.

Tom Kealey, Idaho Commerce Director:
"This project leverages PEF into other food processing for improved quality and higher yields for Idaho agribusiness."
This fiscal year, the IGEM Council has awarded $488,094 for research to commercialize innovations that benefit Idaho and beyond.
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