The Belami potato is an early maincrop variety known for its attractive appearance and versatility in culinary applications.
- Attractive bright yellow tubers, medium size and uniform, perfect for the washed fresh market.
- Makes excellent home-made French fries. No after cooking blackening.
- Great tollerence to drought.
- Belami has quite long dormancy and stores well
- It has good resistance to mechanical damages.
Tuber Characteristics
- Maturity: Early maincrop
- Skin Color: Yellow
- Flesh Color: Yellow
- Shape: Long oval
- Eye Depth: Very shallow
- Uniformity: 7 (Good consistency)
- Number of Tubers: 15 tubers per plant
- Yield: 7 (Good yield potential)
- Dry Matter Content: 20.5% (Ideal for frying and processing)
Resistance to Diseases & Pests
- Foliage Blight: 3 (Low resistance)
- Tuber Blight: 8 (High resistance)
- Common Scab: 7 (Good resistance)
- Blackleg: No data available
- Silver Scab: 6 (Moderate resistance)
- Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN): (Globodera rostochiensis Ro1: Resistant (R)),(Globodera pallida Pa2: Susceptible (S))
- Virus Y (PVY): 5 (Moderate resistance)