Ziektes en gebreken

juni 20, 2010

Aaltjes adviesprogramma NemaDecide Plus trekt veel belangstelling

Tijdens de presentatie bij PPO in Lelystad konden belangstellenden kennismaken met NemaDecide Plus. Het adviesprogramma ondersteunde de teler al bij de beheersing van het aardappelcysteaaltje en biedt nu ook hulp bij de beheersing van het wortellesiea...
juni 17, 2010

Syngenta advises to treat blight and Alternaria separately

Syngenta warns potato growers not to compromise blight control programmes during high risk conditions when tackling the threat of Alternaria.
 ARS researchers Dennis Halterman and Shelley Jansky
juni 16, 2010

ARS: Fighting Potato Diseases by Enhancing Germplasm

Wild potato germplasm that offers resistance to some major potato diseases has been identified by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists.
 Dennis Halterman y Shelley Jansky
juni 16, 2010

Germoplasma de papa silvestre contiene una clave a la resistencia a enfermedades

Científicos del Servició de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) han identificado germoplasma de una especie silvestre de papa que ofrece resistencia a algunas enfermedades principales de la papa.
 Phytophthora Infestans on potato leaf
juni 15, 2010

Late blight threatens Manitoba potato crop

A fungus that could seriously damage Manitoba's multimillion-dollar commercial potato industry has been spotted at commercial nurseries, Manitoba Agriculture says. The provincial agency has issued a warning to residential gardeners after "late b...
 Phytophthora Infestans
juni 14, 2010

Phytophthora gevonden by Emmen en Steenbergen

De afgelopen week is in de regio Zanddal bij Emmen de eerste Phytophthora gevonden. Gezien het aantastingsbeeld lijkt het erop dat deze niet is ontstaan uit oösporen. Ook vandaag (maandag 14 juni) is Phytopthora gevonden in de omgeving Steenbergen.   D...
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Wapenarsenaal tegen phytophthora groeit
juni 03, 2010

Wapenarsenaal tegen phytophthora groeit

De genetische bouwstenen voor aardappels met duurzame resistentie tegen phytophthora zijn inmiddels voorradig, zegt plantenveredelaar Evert Jacobsen.
 Wageningen University
juni 03, 2010

Better armed to fight potato blight

Stocks of genetic material for potatoes with sustainable resistance against phytophthora are now available, says plant breeder Evert Jacobsen. He is, however, not allowed to conduct any field trials with these recently acquired resistant genes.Six diss...
juni 02, 2010

Irish Potato Farmers warned of new aggressive potato blight

Irish Scientists have warned potato farmers to be on alert for a new aggressive strain of potato blight called “Pink 6”.Stephen Kildea of Teagasc, the agriculture and food development authority, said the new strain could not be properly controlled by s...
juni 02, 2010

Potato Council launches Aphids monitoring

The Potato Council has launched its aphid monitoring campaign for this season to provide growers with the latest information on the activity of crop-damaging pests.A network of 100 yellow water traps set up to monitor aphid movements across different p...
juni 01, 2010

Mustard Crop cuts potato cyst nematode population

Field-scale trials of a biofumigant mustard crop have given around 50% potato cyst nematode suppression, Andy Barker of Barworth Agriculture told growers.   PCN control had become more difficult, particularly since the suspension of use of the soil ste...
mei 27, 2010

Infectious potato disease Dickeya Solani found in Scotland

The infectious potato disease Dickeya solani has been found in a ware crop growing in Perthshire.The species is an aggressive, form of the seed-borne bacterial disease, blackleg.Scotland had recently established rules to keep the disease out. But repor...
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 SARDI Plant and Soil Health Scientists Robin Harding and Kathy Ophel Keller worked to develop the DNA diagnostic diseases for potatoes
mei 27, 2010

Testing soil for diseases before potatoes are planted

Australian scientists at SARDI are making major strides in diagnosing potato diseases before the potato crop is planted.Watch ABC video on this topicAustralia’s $500 million-plus potato industry will benefit from new DNA tests that can quickly and accu...
Tecia Solanivora (Guatemalan potato moth larva) courtesy André Kessler
mei 25, 2010

Research: Moth larvae spit boosts potato yield

When a major South American pest infests potato tubers, the plant produces bigger spuds, reports a study by Cornell, University of Goettingen and National University of Colombia researchers.The secret is in the spit, write the researchers online in the...
 Late blight (Phytophthora Infestans) on a potato leaf
mei 20, 2010

Late blight hotlines

Worldwide, late blight is rated the worst of potato diseases. Intermittently since the 1990s, spores have turned up in commercial fields of Idaho, Washington, California and Oregon. When the spore is present it reproduces like a wildfire in cool, mois...
mei 19, 2010

Australian potato growers concerned about zebra chip disease

Potato growers across Australia have been urged to protect the local industry from a major pest which has established itself in New Zealand. New Zealand potato producers have been coming to terms with the disease Zebra chip. The disease is seen as...
 Zebra chip disease
mei 14, 2010

ARS and University of California attack zebra chip disease

Developing a chemical attractant to monitor and manage the potato psyllid is the goal of a new cooperative agreement signed in March between the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the University of California (UC) at Riverside.
 Defender: Green plants of the late blight-resistant potato variety Defender
mei 06, 2010

Defender: Late blight-Resistant Potato variety from ARS Research

Potatoes are America’s number one vegetable crop. Per capita, Americans consume about 130 pounds annually.


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