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Major late blight research project funded by the USDA
april 06, 2011

Major late blight research project funded by the USDA

Given that world potato production is about 320 million tons per year (20 million tons per year in the United States) and world tomato production is about 120 million tons per year (13 million tons per year in the U.S.), late blight is a major problem worldwide even today.
 Walter Stevenson
april 03, 2011

New Focus on Potato webcast: Early Blight, a Global Management Issue on potatoes

"Focus on Potato"of the Plant Management Network has published a new webcast:Early Blight: A Global Management Issue on PotatoesBy Walter R. Stevenson, Ph.D.Professor EmeritusUniversity of WisconsinMadison, Wisconsin
 Epitrix potato flea beetle damage
maart 28, 2011

NFU calls for swift action on Epitrix Potato Flea Beetle threat

 Food and Environmental Research Agency (FERA)
maart 28, 2011

Norwegian potatoes tested in the United Kingdom

maart 27, 2011

Gobierno de Canadá apoya la investigación sobre el nematodo del quiste de la papa

No es que los productores de papa del Canadá sufran de la presencia generalizada del nematodo del quiste de la papa (NQP). De hecho, a diferencia de Europa, los brotes en América del Norte son pocos y distantes entre sí. Distribución del nematodo del q...
Potato infested by Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN)
maart 27, 2011

Canadian government supports potato cyst nematode research

It's not that Canadian potato growers suffer from widespread presence of the Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN). In fact, unlike in Europe, outbreaks in North America are few and far between.
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maart 25, 2011

Washington Potato Commission approves potato research for next season

The Washington Potato Commission approved about 742-thousand dollars in research projects for the upcoming growing season at its quarterly meeting this month.
maart 08, 2011

BASF launches two new potato blight fungicides in crowded UK market

Potato growers in the United Kingdom have two additional blight fungicide choices this year after BASF launched two new products into an already crowded market.
maart 03, 2011

Dynasty® Seed Treatment Fungicide Now Available for Use on Potatoes

Dynasty, available exclusively as a partner with CruiserMaxx® Potato insecticide/fungicide seed treatment, is a broad-spectrum and highly systemic fungicide that offers improved disease protection against the major classes of fungal pathogens.
 Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
februari 17, 2011

No Potato Cyst Nematodes found in Canada in 2010 CFIA survey

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has completed all potato cyst nematode (PCN) soil sampling and testing of the 2010 seed potato crop and PCN was not detected.
februari 14, 2011

Cystentoets van aardappelpootgoed voor export

Om een indicatie te hebben van de sanitaire kwaliteit van het pootgoed kan een partij worden gewassen en gecontroleerd op AM door het inbouwen van een cystenfilter (zeeftrommel) in de wasstraat.
februari 08, 2011

PEI potato producers encouraged to attend potato conference

The 2011 Prince Edward Island potato conference and trade show is an ideal opportunity for producers to discuss new research and development in the industry, says Agriculture Minister George Webster.
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februari 04, 2011

DLV Plant start onderzoek naar tolerantie en rasgevoeligheid van aardappelrassen voor Pratylenchus penetrans

Team Onderzoek van DLV Plant gaat aan de slag met het onderzoeksproject “Tolerantie en rasgevoeligheid van aardappelrassen voor Pratylenchus penetrans”.
 Stewart Gray
februari 02, 2011

New strain of potato virus Y has industry’s attention

A potato virus that has been around for years is mutating and that’s got both researchers and industry leaders worried.
 Stewart Gray
februari 02, 2011

Una nueva cepa del virus Y de la papa tiene la atención de la industria

Un virus de la papa que ha existido desde hace años está mutando y tiene preocupados tanto a investigadores como a líderes de la industria. Los productores han crecido viendo los síntomas que causa el virus Y de la papa, más conocido como PVY. La enfe...
 East Malling Research (EMR)
februari 01, 2011

UK researchers show potatoes can be grown with much less water

januari 31, 2011

Aaltjes gevonden in Franse aardappelen voor export naar Rusland

Net als een aantal weken geleden in België zijn er nu ook aaltjes gevonden in partijen aardappelen afkomstig uit Frankrijk.
 Safe Haven potato sack
januari 26, 2011

UK's Safe Haven scheme protects potato supply chain

The future sustainability of the potato supply chain is at risk from increasing threats from new organisms that can potentially devastate a crop.


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