Ziektes en gebreken

april 24, 2012

Emergency action on potato pest Epitrix

Emergency action has been taken by a European Commission committee to stop the spread of a beetle which has the potential to damage British potato production.
 Late blight in Potato
april 10, 2012

New blight strain shouldn't alarm British potato growers

The very early discovery of a new potato blight strain in Britain doesn't mean that spray programmes will have to change this year, agree researchers and agronomists.
maart 09, 2012

La producción de papa del Reino Unido amenazada por enfermedad que afecta a Europa

Los cultivos de papa en el Reino Unido se encuentran expuestos al riesgo de una nueva y agresiva enfermedad que se ha extendido rápidamente por todo el resto de Europa. La enfermedad, Dickeya solani, ha sido vista por primera vez hace sólo siete años, ...
maart 05, 2012

UK potato crop at risk from aggressive new disease

An aggressive strain of disease is a major threat to the country’s potato industry, a leading researcher has warned.
januari 31, 2012

Scottish growers provided with practical solutions for powdery scab control

Scottish potato growers had a difficult year in 2011 for several reasons, but one of the most significant was the cool, wet conditions, which were ideal for powdery scab to spread.
januari 04, 2012

Researchers come to terms with late blight disease effectors

Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of late blight, has evolved to overcome fungicides and major resistance genes that have been bred into commercial potato cultivars.
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 bacterial ring rot
december 20, 2011

Scottish potato growers urged to source safe and healthy seed

Scottish potato growers were yesterday reminded to exercise particular care in sourcing safe and healthy seed potatoes following the discovery of three cases of ring rot in the Netherlands.
oktober 17, 2011

Beurse aardappelen kost Britse aardappelteler 26 miljoen pond per jaar

Met het droog weer, dat de kans op beurse plekken verhoogt, op komst roept de Potato Council in Engeland telers op om een actieve houding aan te nemen en gedurende het seizoen alle stappen van de oogst goed te letten op de kwaliteit van het product.  “...
oktober 17, 2011

Morocco rejects Northern Ireland potatoes for silver scurf

Stormont officials are facing a grilling by Assembly Members over an embarrassing international incident in which potatoes exported from Northern Ireland were rejected for being diseased. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) represen...
oktober 09, 2011

Bruising costs British potato growers £26 million a year

With dry weather exacerbating the risk of bruising potatoes at harvest, Potato Council has called on growers to take a proactive stance and make quality assessments at all stages of harvesting, from lifting to store loading.
 Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)
augustus 16, 2011

Award Winning SAC Student Answers Questions on pit rot of Potatoes

SAC 1st Class Honours graduate, Amanda MacLennan, from the Black Isle used the recent Potatoes In Practice Event near Dundee to present the results of her research into Pit rot of potatoes.
mei 27, 2011

Potato fungicides approved for Early blight (Alternaria) protection

In the United Kingdom, potato Late blight fungicides Consento and Prompto (fenamidone + propamocarb) have gained label extensions for protection of potato crops against Early blight (Alternaria).
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 Common Scab
mei 09, 2011

Continuing drought increases common scab threat for UK potato growers

Lack of rain has affected most of England and Wales and unusually dry ground may result in higher levels of common scab than in the last few years, says Potato Council technical executive Chris Steele.
 Epitrix potato flea beetle damage
maart 28, 2011

NFU calls for swift action on Epitrix Potato Flea Beetle threat

 Food and Environmental Research Agency (FERA)
maart 28, 2011

Norwegian potatoes tested in the United Kingdom

maart 08, 2011

BASF launches two new potato blight fungicides in crowded UK market

Potato growers in the United Kingdom have two additional blight fungicide choices this year after BASF launched two new products into an already crowded market.
 East Malling Research (EMR)
februari 01, 2011

UK researchers show potatoes can be grown with much less water

 Safe Haven potato sack
januari 26, 2011

UK's Safe Haven scheme protects potato supply chain

The future sustainability of the potato supply chain is at risk from increasing threats from new organisms that can potentially devastate a crop.


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