Ziektes en gebreken

Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control
maart 21, 2016

Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control

Research to develop potatoes with sustainable resistance against phytophthora via genetic modification with genes from wild potatoes and good resistance management ended with the publication of the scientific results. The approach resulted in potato plants which require 80% less chemical control.
Lower Yield and Quality will determine potato market in the Netherlands, says farmer association
oktober 01, 2015

Lower Yield and Quality will determine potato market in the Netherlands, says farmer association

The Dutch Association of Arable Farmers of (VTA) finds an average yield of 53.622 kg/ha, 8% below last year and on par with the 5-year average. Although tubers are large this season, the VTA predicts low factory yields as a result of a host of quality issues, resulting in an increased demand for potatoes per ton finished product.
Resistance genes of wild relatives offer help in combat against potato blight
september 10, 2015

Resistance genes of wild potato relatives offer help in combat against Phytophthora

Research shows that crops with stacks of two or more resistance genes from closely related species, introduced into the crop via for instance genetic engineering, combined with the simultaneous introduction of resistance management, can ensure the long-term resistance of these plants to economically significant and aggressive diseases.
Dutch Potato Crop Yield below average according to VTA sampling
augustus 31, 2015

Dutch Potato Crop Yield below average according to VTA sampling

In the annual VTA sampling of the development of the Dutch potato crop development, mid August a yield was found 16% lower than last year and 7.1 below the 5 year average.
Científicos hallan escudo para el tizón de la papa
maart 31, 2015

Científicos hallan escudo para el tizón de la papa

Científicos encontraron un gen para ayudar a proteger las papas de una plaga que desató una devastadora hambruna en Irlanda en el siglo XIX.
New resistance gene against potato late blight identified
maart 30, 2015

New resistance gene against potato late blight identified

In this week 'Nature Plants', scientists from Wageningen University and The Sainsbury Laboratory report the identification of a resistance gene that enhances resistance against potato late blight from a South American wild relative of cultivated potatoes.
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Westmaas 2014: Meeting place for the potato sector
augustus 03, 2014

Westmaas 2014: Meeting place for the potato sector

The Potato Demo Day is an easily accessible event for the Potato Sector. The programme is implemented at limited costs and in cooperation with participating companies from the sector.
Nuevo tipo de resistencia a enfermedad de la papa
februari 17, 2014

Nuevo tipo de resistencia a enfermedad de la papa

Fitopatólogos de la universidad holandesa de Wageningen han descubierto un mecanismo que aumenta la resistencia a Phytophthora infestans, patógeno causante de una de las enfermedades más devastadoras de la papa, el tizón tardío.
 Anton Haverkort
september 03, 2012

Increase in greenhouse gas positive for potato yield

The increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere can have a positive influence on the potato yield. This is according to Anton Haverkort of Plant Research International, part of Wageningen UR, on 22 August during the bi-annual Potato Demo Day at Westmaas.
mei 10, 2012

Controle op afdekplicht van aardappel- en uienafvalhopen is gestart

Er wordt door de NAK en BQ Support weer intensief gecontroleerd op onafgedekte aardappel- en uienafvalhopen. Niet of onvoldoende afgedekte afvalhopen met daarop uitgelopen aardappelen en uien zijn vanaf 15 april strafbaar.
Tummers Methodic displays largest ever Hex Polisher
mei 03, 2012

Tummers Methodic displays largest ever Hex Polisher

How about standing eye-to-eye with the largest Hex Polisher? Curious about the very latest design in the field of clay and salt-bath technology? In that case, why not visit the open days this coming 10 and 11 May being held by Tummers Methodic at Hooge...
april 30, 2012

Ringrot aangetroffen bij 8 aardappeltelers in Zuid-Holland en Zeeland

De Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) heeft bij 8 aardappeltelers in Zuid-Holland en Zeeland ringrot aangetroffen. De partijen aardappelen zijn opgespoord en worden uit de handel gehaald. Ringrot is een besmettelijke aardappelziekte die nie...
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Bacterial ringrot
april 27, 2012

Ring Rot discovered at 8 potato farms in the Netherlands

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december 05, 2011

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De aardappelsector maakt zich grote zorgen over de handel in illegaal pootgoed. De NVWA legt een link met ringrot. ”Onze buitenlandse concurrenten gebruiken dit om Nederlandse pootgoed zwart te maken.” De verontwaardiging in de aardappelsector is groo...


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