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Bridging the gap between potato growers and scientists
februari 05, 2021

Bridging the gap between potato growers and scientists

To ensure the research AHDB funds has the biggest impact and benefit for the potato industry, they work to connect growers with researchers and scientists with initiatives like their Strategic Spot Farms.
La polilla de la patata se extiende por la costa desde parroquias de Carballo y a Laracha
januari 25, 2021

España: La polilla de la patata se extiende por la costa desde parroquias de Carballo y a Laracha

La polilla guatemalteca de la patata llegó a finales de noviembre del 2019 a varias parroquias costeras de los municipios de A Laracha y Carballo.
Previously unknown variant of potato wart disease discovered in the Netherlands
december 22, 2020

Previously unknown variant of potato wart disease discovered in the Netherlands

According to a report by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), an unknown variant of wart disease was discovered in agricultural fields in the municipality of Stadskanaal in the north-east of the country.
Se levanta el veto a la plantación de patata en la práctica totalidad de Asturias
november 30, 2020

Se levanta el veto a la plantación de patata en la práctica totalidad de Asturias

El Principado anulará en 2021 la prohibición de cultivar patata en todo el territorio, excepto en San Tirso de Abres y Vegadeo.
Nueve concellos de Galicia podrán volver a plantar patatas
november 23, 2020

Nueve concellos de Galicia podrán volver a plantar patatas tras dos años sin couza guatemalteca

Son: Cariño, Ortigueira, Neda, Lourenzá, A Pastoriza, Riotorto, A Pontenova, Ribadeo y O Valadouro, ahora zona tampón
UK Potato Storage: regular checks vital this season for reducing risks
november 22, 2020

UK Potato Storage: regular checks vital this season for reducing risks

The continued wet weather in late October/early November in the United Kingdom has extended the harvesting season beyond eight weeks for some, which is clearly not good news where stores have been part-filled and cooling systems unable to function correctly.
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Wildflowers could control aphid-borne viruses in potatoes
november 17, 2020

Wildflowers could control aphid-borne viruses in potatoes

Sowing wildflowers into potato crops could reduce aphid-carried viruses and offer an alternative to declining access to insecticides for growers.
Harvesting, prices and future plans: the potato situation in the regions of Russia
oktober 10, 2020

The 2020 potato harvest in the various regions of Russia

Since the start of autumn, potato producers in the regions of Russia have been facing many challenges, new and old. In the Russian Federation, the average annual volume of potatoes used for food purposes is estimated to be at 13-14 million tons, which makes potato one of the most important crops in Russia. In this article, we present information about the potato situation in various regions of Russia.
The plant on the left is untreated and the fungi are clearly visible. The right plant was treated with the acid, the fungus could not cause any damage.
september 25, 2020

Researchers find new way to protect plants from fungal infection

Widespread fungal disease in plants can be controlled with a commercially available chemical that has been primarily used in medicine until now. This discovery was made by scientists from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the University of the State of Paraná in Brazil.
21st EAPR Triennial Conference – change of date and location!
september 14, 2020

21st EAPR Triennial Conference – change of date and location!

As you know the situation with coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing dynamically. Due to the pandemic and for the safety of our participants we have decided to postpone the 21st EAPR Triennial Conference further. The new Conference date is July 12-16, 2021.
Call on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade
september 09, 2020

ePhyto: Electronic phytosanitary certification can facilitate international agricultural trade

The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) of the IPPC ePhyto Solution calls on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade, which would be crucial in safeguarding global food security beyond the Covid-19 recovery period.
La Rioja estudia ayudas al sector de la patata, entre ellas una línea para inversión en maquinaria agrícola
september 07, 2020

La Rioja estudia ayudas al sector de la patata, entre ellas una línea para inversión en maquinaria agrícola

La consejera de Agricultura, Ganadería, Mundo Rural, Territorio y Población, Eva Hita; la directora general de Agricultura y Ganadería, María Jesús Miñana y la directora general de Desarrollo Rural y Reto Demográfico, Nuria Bazo, se han reunido en la Cooperativa de Rioja Alta en Santo Domingo de la Calzada con su presidente, Emilio García, y su Consejo rector para analizar la campaña de la patata y la situación del sector en La Rioja.
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Tomra Food Publishes New E-Book For Potato Fresh Packers
juli 15, 2020

Tomra Food Publishes New E-Book For Potato Fresh Packers

Free, downloadable publication by TOMRA Food for Potato Fresh Packers addresses challenges intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic.
España: Autorizan el Etoprofos 10% para el gusano del alambre también en Andalucía
juni 08, 2020

España: Autorizan el Etoprofos 10% para el gusano del alambre también en Andalucía

La Dirección General de Sanidad de la Producción Agraria del Ministerio de Agricultura ha autorizado provisionalmente el uso y la comercialización de productos fitosanitarios formulados a base de Etoprofos 10% [GR] P/P contra el gusano de alambre (Agriotes sp.) en el cultivo de la patata en Andalucía.
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties
mei 14, 2020

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is to study wild potato varieties for resistance to a wide range of potato-diseases and plagues. This broad approach should yield breeding material that can be used to develop disease-free potato varieties.
La Municipalidad Ortigueira de la provicia española A Coruña, pide a la Xunta poder plantar patatas tras el confinamiento
april 13, 2020

La Municipalidad Ortigueira de la provicia española A Coruña, pide a la Xunta poder plantar patatas tras el confinamiento

El Ayuntamiento de la Municipalidad Ortigueira de la provicia española A Coruña, ha solicitado a la Xunta que excluya al municipio como zona infestada por la plaga de la colza guatemalteca.
EAPR2020 postponed to fall
maart 31, 2020

EAPR2020 postponed to fall

Due to a coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the 21st EAPR Triennial Conference has been moved to fall. The new Conference date is November 2-6, 2020. Therefore, all key dates have also changed.
El cultivo de la patata se afianza una vez controlada la plaga de la polilla
maart 23, 2020

El cultivo de la patata se afianza una vez controlada la plaga de la polilla

La indicación geográfica protegida ampliará en breve su territorio a toda la comunidad.


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