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Aroostook County potato experts expect high quality crop in 2021
september 14, 2021

Aroostook County potato experts expect high quality crop in 2021

Aroostook County agricultural growers are predicting a higher quantity and quality of potato crop than was produced in 2020, due to the less severe weather this summer.
Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock
augustus 29, 2021

Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock

The toll that hot dry weather took on the Red River Valley 2021 potato crop won’t be visible until harvest begins in a few weeks, but it’s already clear it has affected yields and quality.
Identification of Elite Potato Clones with Resistance to Late Blight Through Participatory Varietal Selection in Peru
augustus 26, 2021

Identification of Elite Potato Clones with Resistance to Late Blight Through Participatory Varietal Selection in Peru

Potato is the most important crop in Peru and late blight is the main disease affecting the crop. However, new varieties that are resistant to late blight often lack other traits that farmers and consumers prefer.
New University of Maine research hub to focus on Potato Virus Y
augustus 22, 2021

New University of Maine research hub to focus on Potato Virus Y

Greater understanding of the biology of one of the most destructive plant viruses to potato crops will be the focus of a research hub at the University of Maine.
Los productores del Grupo de Transferencia Tecnológica GTT de Semilla de Papa de Los Muermos vuelven a reunirse en forma presencial
augustus 20, 2021

Los productores del Grupo de Transferencia Tecnológica GTT de Semilla de Papa de Los Muermos vuelven a reunirse en forma presencial

Los productores del Grupo de Transferencia Tecnológica GTT de Semilla de Papa de Los Muermos volvieron a reunirse en forma presencial luego de meses realizando sólo actividades virtuales.
CB-UdeC e Inia avanzan en solución a patología de la papa.
juli 05, 2021

CB-UdeC e Inia avanzan en solución a patología de la papa

Sembrado mayormente por pequeños agricultores, es uno de los cultivos más relevantes en Chile y puede ser amenazado por una bacteria contra la que aún no hay nada efectivo para contrarrestar. Las pérdidas son de gran impacto social.
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Colombia: El ICA lidera brigadas fitosanitarias para vigilar la punta morada de la papa en Nariño
mei 05, 2021

Colombia: El Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario lidera brigadas fitosanitarias para vigilar la punta morada de la papa en Nariño

Funcionarios de la entidad recolectaron muestras fitopatológicas y entomológicas que son analizadas en Colombia e Italia.
Honduras: Establecen ensayo nacional de 36 clones de papa
mei 04, 2021

Honduras: Establecen ensayo nacional de 36 clones de papa

Con la finalidad de encontrar nuevos materiales que se adapten a las zonas paperas de Honduras se establece un ensayo nacional de evaluación de 36 clones de papa.
Prince Edward Island Potato Board Launches Podcast: Spudchat
april 27, 2021

Prince Edward Island Potato Board Launches Podcast: Spudchat

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is excited to share with potato farmers and industry partners the launch of a new podcast, Spudchat.
Big win for Alberta potato growers
april 12, 2021

Big win for Alberta potato growers

A team effort led to Alberta being declared Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) free – improving trade prospects for producers.
P.E.I. seed potatoes cleared for export to U.S. after no more wart found
maart 26, 2021

Prince Edward Island seed potatoes cleared for export to United States after no more potato wart found

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has lifted its voluntary suspension of export certification for P.E.I. seed potatoes, allowing trade to the United States to resume.
No more potato wart found in 2 P.E.I. fields
maart 05, 2021

No more potato wart found in 2 P.E.I. fields

Seed potato exports from Prince Edward Island to the United States halted last fall now closer to resuming.
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Refuerzan vigilancia fitosanitaria para evitar ingreso de la polilla de la papa en Piura, Perú
februari 15, 2021

Refuerzan vigilancia fitosanitaria para evitar ingreso de la polilla de la papa en Piura, Perú

El Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego, a través del Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria – SENASA, mantiene el monitoreo preventivo de la plaga Tecia solanivora, conocida también como ‘Polilla Guatemalteca’
How Colorado Potato Beetles Beat Pesticides
december 29, 2020

How Colorado Potato Beetles Beat Pesticides

Native to the Rocky Mountains, the Colorado potato beetle has now spread to many parts of the world and quickly overcoming almost every pesticide thrown in its way. A new UVM study sheds light on how these insects become resistant so fast.
Chemical composition of wild potato relative contributes to its resistance to pathogen
december 29, 2020

Chemical composition of wild potato relative contributes to its resistance to pathogen

In a recent study published in the MPMI journal, scientists from CSU revealed that metabolites from S. chacoense contribute to disease resistance by altering the pathogenic behavior of Pectobacterium brasiliense, rather than inhibiting its growth or killing it.
Presence of Potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) confirmed in Prince Edward Island
december 01, 2020

Presence of Potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) confirmed in Prince Edward Island

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has recently confirmed the presence of potato wart in two fields on a farm in Prince Edward Island (PEI). Potato wart is a regulated quarantine pest in Canada.
Rick Peters, vegetable pathologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Charlottetown, says scab is increasing on P.E.I. because of changing weather patterns. (Kirk Pennell/CBC)
oktober 06, 2020

Canadian Scientists Look for Ways to Grow Scab-Resistant Potato

Two research scientists on P.E.I. have spent their summer trying to grow a better potato, more resistant to scab and greening, which are both costly problems for potato growers.
Nueva plaga afecta los cultivos de papa en la provincia Ecuatoriana del Carchi
oktober 05, 2020

Nueva plaga afecta los cultivos de papa en la provincia Ecuatoriana del Carchi

Nueva plaga afecta los cultivos de papa en la provincia Ecuatoriana del Carchi. El insecto detectado en laboratorios de agro- calidad, luego de varios análisis y tomas de muestras en cultivos de papa es combatido a través de un manejo integrado con escuelas de campo.


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