Zebra chip ziekte

The dark stripes on infected potatoes mark zebra chip disease. It has led to significant economic losses for producers due to reduced crop quality and marketability. (Courtesy: Texas A&M AgriLife)
december 15, 2024

AgriLife Research leads collaboration to address zebra chip disease

Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists are working on a new research project to fight plant diseases transmitted by psyllid insects — particularly the zebra chip disease, which has impacted potato production for decades.
Colombia: productores alerta contra el Zebra Chip
september 09, 2024

Colombia: productores alerta contra el Zebra Chip

El Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario organizó una jornada de capacitación para prevenir la llegada del patógeno a la región de Antioquia.
Europatat participates in a new Horizon Europe project to protect potato plants against emerging new pests
juni 28, 2023

Europatat participates in PATAFEST, a new Horizon Europe project to protect potato plants against emerging new pests

Europatat is proud to become an active partner of a new EU Horizon Europe project called PATAFEST that aims at protecting potato plants by means of pest spreading and resistance characterisation, preharvest treatments, and post-harvest solutions.
SENASA: ‘Zebra chip’, plaga de la papa, no está presente en el Perú.
januari 12, 2022

SENASA: ‘Zebra chip’, plaga de la papa, no está presente en el Perú

El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA) descartó la presencia de la plaga ‘Zebra Chip’ en el Perú, luego de haber analizado 169 muestras de plantas e insectos procedentes de zonas productoras de papa, en la provincia de Huancabamba, región Piura.
 Seminario virtual capacitará en la identificación de tres plagas de la papa.
oktober 29, 2021

Seminario virtual organizado por el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) capacitará en la identificación de tres plagas de la papa

Con el fin de que los países latinoamericanos a los cuales aún no han llegado el psílido de la papa ni la papa manchada de la papa y la punta morada conozcan sus síntomas y cómo identificarlas será dirigido este seminario.
Colombia: El ICA lidera brigadas fitosanitarias para vigilar la punta morada de la papa en Nariño
mei 05, 2021

Colombia: El Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario lidera brigadas fitosanitarias para vigilar la punta morada de la papa en Nariño

Funcionarios de la entidad recolectaron muestras fitopatológicas y entomológicas que son analizadas en Colombia e Italia.
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La producción de papas no es la misma en Salcedo
oktober 02, 2019

La producción de papas no es la misma en Salcedo

Desde el 2018 el Ministerio de Agricultura y ganadería alertó a los productores sobre la llegada al país de la plaga de la punta morada la que tomó por sorpresa a muchos ya que no habían escuchado sobre esta y por ende no sabían como manejarla.
New type of zebra chip disease discovered in potato fields of Oregon
april 20, 2019

New type of zebra chip disease discovered in potato fields of Oregon

ARS Researchers studied potato tubers from the Klamath Basin in Oregon infected with the causal bacteria of zebra chip disease. They confirmed the presence of the pathogen but did not identify the sample as one of the six known varieties (haplotypes).
Cómo evita Colombia el ingreso de la punta morada de la papa
januari 10, 2019

Cómo evita Colombia el ingreso de la punta morada de la papa

A finales del año pasado, Ecuador reportó la presencia de la enfermedad, por lo cual el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA) emitió una alerta temprana fitosanitaria y está tomando medidas de prevención.
All Australian markets reopened for WA seed and ware potatoes as surveillance shows potato psyllids not infected
december 21, 2018

All Australian markets reopened for WA seed and ware potatoes as surveillance shows potato psyllids not infected

The government of Western Australia has announced that it has succeeded in regaining market access for Western Australian potatoes in all of Australia, following the detection of tomato potato psyllid in February 2017.
Plan emergente frente a nueva plaga de la papa en Ecuador
oktober 26, 2018

Plan emergente frente a nueva plaga de la papa en Ecuador

La punta morada se transmite a la plantas por medio de un insecto. Es una enfermedad de difícil control y detección y causa pérdidas significativas de rendimiento y calidad a nivel mundial.
New Mexican potato variety Citlali shows resistance to late blight and zebra chip disease
september 19, 2018

New Mexican potato variety Citlali shows resistance to late blight and zebra chip disease

In Mexico, researchers of the National Forestry, Agriculture, and Livestock Research Institute (INIFAP), part of the Mexican Ministry of agriculture (SAGARPA), have developed a new potato variety, Citlali, with improved tolerance to diseases.
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Idaho potato crop on track despite early cool weather
juli 09, 2018

Idaho potato crop on track despite early cool weather

Idaho potato fields looked good as of early July as plants closed in over rows, signaling the tubers are preparing to grow strongly amid the hot-day, cool-night march toward harvest.
No Liberibacter (zebra chip pathogen) found in potato psyillids in Western Australia
mei 08, 2018

No Liberibacter (Zebra Chip pathogen) found in Potato Psyllids in Western Australia

In Western Australia, a surveillance program to assess if the last year detected tomato potato psyllid (TPP) carries the zebrachip disease pathogen (CLso), did not identify a single case of the pest - with over 10.000 psyllids tested.
Psyllid tests could help potato market access
maart 08, 2018

Psyllid tests could help potato market access in Western Australia

Potato farmers could see Eastern States markets reopen in the near future which are still closed to WA following the tomato potato psyllid outbreak last year.
Tasmanian potato growers
oktober 25, 2017

Tasmanian potato growers step up potato psyllid surveillance

In Tasmania, Australia, surveillance programs for the tomato potato psyllid (TPP) are being ramped up as growers try to delay any incursion of the pest for as long as possible.
Zebra chip pathogen found in Western Canada for the first time
oktober 23, 2017

Zebra chip pathogen found in Western Canada for the first time

For the first time, evidence of the zebra chip pathogen has been found in potato fields in southern Alberta, but the University of Lethbridge’s Dr. Dan Johnson cautions against panic.
Mexico: Zebra Chip-tolerant potatoes for the fresh market
september 21, 2017

Mexico: Zebra Chip-tolerant potatoes for the fresh market

Researchers from the University of California Riverside and INIFAP (Mexico) identify four potato lines with increased tolerance to Zebra Chip disease


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