Zebra chip ziekte

juni 20, 2012

Pest outlook for Canada’s potato-growing regions

Potato pests can vary across Canada’s potato-growing regions. Whether they are new or notorious, their reach and severity depends upon Mother Nature’s whims.
juni 15, 2012

Idaho growers told to intensify hunt for potato psyllids

Researchers recommend potato growers in the Pacific Northwest intensify their field scouting programs for the potato psyllids that spread the crop disease zebra chip.
juni 12, 2012

Volunteer spuds could serve as source of zebra chip infection

Oregon State University researchers say they've found two fields in their region harboring thousands of volunteer potato plants infected with the Liberibacter bacterium that causes the crop disease zebra chip.
 Zebrachip disease
maart 22, 2012

US: Eye on psyllids

One year, it's the potato tuber worm;another year, it's the beet leafhopper.
Biobased approaches examined in fight against zebra chip
februari 15, 2012

Biobased approaches examined in fight against zebra chip

Thanks to investigations by scientists-turned-detectives with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other agencies, potato growers in the western United States and abroad now know the identities of the pathogen-insect duo responsible for outbre...
 Zebrachip disease
januari 26, 2012

University of Idaho potato scientists tackle Zebra chip disease threat

In October, the University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences confirmed that Idaho’s potato growers faced a new challenge to the state’s most famous crop with the arrival of Zebra chip.
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januari 18, 2012

Researcher says zebra chip not likely to spread through seed

A potato disease that arrived late this summer in the Pacific Northwest called zebra chip likely can't be spread by planting infected seed, new research suggests.
 Potato psyllid
december 21, 2011

Zebra chip nearly destroys US potato business

Zebra chip disease nearly destroyed a large USA potato growing business, its owner and chief executive told the Cambridge University Potato Growers Research Association conference earlier this month.
 Zebra Chip SCRI
november 01, 2011

Zebra chip research gains importance as disease spreads

Zebra chip, a disease that affects potatoes, was recently found in the potato-growing regions of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. The discovery brings to focus the growing need for scientific answers – something that will be discussed at the SCRI Zebra Ch...
 Gary Secor
november 01, 2011

Zebra Chip Management Webcast Re-launched for Potato Growers in Idaho, Pacific Northwest

In light of the recent confirmation of zebra chip in Idaho, Focus on Potato, a nonprofit potato crop management resource, has made open access its presentation on Zebra Chip Disease of Potatoes by Gary Secor of North Dakota State University. This pres...
 Zebra chip
oktober 11, 2011

Zebra Chip Finds Its Way to Idaho’s Potato Fields

A potato pest from points south has reached Idaho, University of Idaho Extension specialists with the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences confirmed this week. It was reported last month in Oregon and Washington.
 Potato Psyllid
september 12, 2011

Zebra chip disease hits potatoes in Oregon and Washington

Zebra chip, a disease that annually costs Southwest U.S. potato growers millions of dollars in crop loss, has been found in Washington and Oregon. A USDA scientist and an Oregon State University plant pathologist confirmed zebra chip in tuber samples ...
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 Potato Psyllid
augustus 29, 2011

Potato Psyllids costly for New Zealand Potato Industry

A major pest called the tomato potato psyllid, has cost the potato industry over a $120 million since its initial discovery in 2006, according to a new report from Potatoes New Zealand. Ron Gall, Business Manager for Potatoes New Zealand, presented th...
augustus 19, 2010

Australian Potato Industry fears Zebra Chip disease

AUSVEG CEO Richard Mulcahy said today that diseased potatoes had the potential to threaten the viability of the entire Australian potato industry if the Australian Federal Government allows potatoes to be imported for processing from New Zealand.
 Zebra chip disease
mei 14, 2010

ARS and University of California attack zebra chip disease

Developing a chemical attractant to monitor and manage the potato psyllid is the goal of a new cooperative agreement signed in March between the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the University of California (UC) at Riverside.
 Potato chips from potatoes affected by the Zebra chips disease (ARS)
oktober 13, 2009

Liberibacter Species Bacterium Identified as Prime Suspect in Zebra Chip Disease

Since 2000, a mystery disease has struck some potato fields in Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada, and other western states, reducing tuber yields and quality.


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