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Demand is high for new potatoes
juni 04, 2019

Demand for new potatoes is high

The potato campaign continues to be quite surprising as demand for new potatoes is also very lively and prices are good.
Florida potato harvest begins
februari 07, 2019

Florida potato harvest begins

Florida's potato harvest has kicked off and growers are happy with conditions during the growing season thus far.
Traditional baby potato auction South Australia brings in a record AUD 39.000
oktober 30, 2018

Annual baby potato auction South Australia brings in a record AUD 39.000

The annual auction of new season baby potatoes in South Australia, brought in a record AU$39.000. Proceeds of the auction are donated to the Little Heroes Foundation, a charity supporting children living with cancer and serious illness.
Arizona Red Potatoes available from May 10th from Pinto Creek
mei 03, 2018

Arizona Red Potatoes available from May 10th from Pinto Creek

Potandon Produce L.L.C., the exclusive marketing agent for Pinto Creek Co., LLC in Eloy, Arizona, has announced that its fresh potato season will begin on Thursday, May 10th, 2018.
MountainKing potatoes has started the harvest of its Texas New Crop Reds
april 24, 2018

MountainKing Potatoes has started the harvest of its Texas New Crop Reds

MountainKing Potatoes, a leading grower of table potatoes in the United States, has started the harvest of its Texas New Crop Reds, one of the company’s top sellers now available for retail grocers.
Latest ever planting of early potatoes in Northern Ireland due to poor weather
april 05, 2018

Latest ever planting of early potatoes in Northern Ireland due to poor weather

This year has seen the latest ever planting of early potatoes in Northern Ireland as farmers battle poor weather conditions, according to industry leaders.
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Potato Industry of Malta continues to decline
april 04, 2018

Potato Industry of Malta continues decline

Over a decade, Potato Exports from Malta fell from 7,200 tonnes in 2004 crop to just 3,100 tonnes in 2014, a massive 56% drop.
Potato Growers South Florida enjoy a good start of the season
maart 29, 2018

Potato Growers South Florida enjoy a good start of the season

The South Florida potato harvest season has started well, with a good healthy crop taking shape. It has been underway for just over a month and despite cooler weather at the start of the year, South Florida crops escaped any major frost damage.
Tesco brings back Italian New Potatoes for the seventh year
november 12, 2017

Tesco brings back Italian New Potatoes for the seventh year

Solely supplied by Branston, Italian new potatoes are returning to Tesco for the seventh consecutive year, to keep pace with the increasing demand for fresh seasonal new potatoes.
Early maturing potato cultivars identified successfully using ground-penetrating radar by Texas A&M Agrilife
augustus 17, 2017

Early maturing potato cultivars can be identified using ground-penetrating radar, finds Texas A&M Agrilife

Dirk Hays,Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant geneticist: “With Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), we can image the size of the tubers and get a correlation to the actual physical size of the potato without harvesting them. Potatoes are a dream for Ground Penetrating Radar.”
Heavy rain damages potato crop in Ontario, Canada
juni 29, 2017

Heavy rain damages potato crop in Ontario, Canada

After a month of good growing conditions and positive reports amid sporadic news on disease potential, word from one of Ontario’s potato-growing regions is that roughly 1,000 acres of potatoes have been lost due to flooding.
Cypriot potatoes becoming increasingly popular in Europe
april 22, 2017

Cypriot potatoes becoming increasingly popular in Europe

Cypriot potatoes becoming increasingly popular in Europe
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It's potato planting time in North Florida
februari 09, 2017

It's potato planting time in North Florida

It’s potato planting time in North Florida. St. Johns County is one of the counties in Northern Florida well known for its potato production with the town of Hastings being the center of it.
Tesco launches Best in Season: Italian New Potatoes
oktober 20, 2016

Tesco launches Best in Season: Italian New Potatoes

Italian seasonal new potatoes will be launched into Tesco this autumn on the back of new research showing that consumers want freshly harvested new potatoes all year round.
Satisfactory end of the early potato season for Lower Saxony, Germany
augustus 28, 2016

Satisfactory end of the early potato season for Lower Saxony, Germany

The 2016 early potato season ended on the 10th of August. And according to the Lower Saxony Potato Producers Association the early potato harvest was satisfactory.
USAID project helps Potato Farmers in Kyrgyzstan
juli 07, 2016

USAID project helps Potato Farmers in Kyrgyzstan

The Aravan Agro Service in Kyrgyzstan more than doubled its potato yield and profits in 2016 by partnering with the United States through the USAID Agro Horizon project.
First German new potatoes harvested in Pfalz region
juni 15, 2016

First German new potatoes harvested in Pfalz region

In the German Pfalz region, farmers officially kicked off the harvest of the first German new potatoes. A former soccer player on the national team, Hans-Peter Briegel, was named Pfalz potato ambassador for the season 2016/17.
Harvest of Warba potatoes in British Columbia signifies the beginning of summer
mei 22, 2016

Harvest of Warba potatoes in British Columbia signifies the beginning of summer

BC Fresh started harvesting its Warba Potatoes early this year. It is the earliest harvest that most people can remember.


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