The secret behind our love for french fries
juni 15, 2018

The secret behind our love for french fries

Research has shown that the reward center of the brain values foods high in both fat and carbohydrates - such as french fries - more than foods containing only fat or only carbs.
Sterzing's Potato Chips struggling with product reformulation
mei 16, 2018

Sterzing's Potato Chips struggling with product reformulation

Sterzing's Potato Chips reformulated its recipe to meet the deadline of the 2015 U.S. Food and Drug Administration mandate banning oils that contain trans fat. At first that didn't go too well...
Wearable sensor to measure sodium consumption under development
mei 11, 2018

Wearable oral sensor to measure sodium consumption in real-time under development

To help monitor salt intake, researchers have developed a flexible and stretchable wireless sensing system designed to be comfortably worn in the mouth to measure the amount of sodium a person consumes.
At the age of 72, Bill Skinner runs the Boston Marathon fueled by Potatoes
april 13, 2018

At Age 72, Bill Skinner runs the Boston Marathon - fueled by Potatoes

Potato Grower Bill Skinner heads to Massachusetts this weekend to compete in his second Boston Marathon – at the age of 72.
Potatoes USA highlights the power of potato for athletic performance
februari 13, 2018

Potatoes USA highlights the power of potato for athletic performance

Four experts in nutrition and athletic performance have partnered with Potatoes USA to create 13 new recipes designed to encourage active consumers to power their performance with potatoes.
Experimental potato delivers bounty of vitamin A and E
december 21, 2017

Experimental potato delivers bounty of vitamin A and E

An experimental 'golden' potato has the potential to provide as much as 42 percent of a child’s recommended daily intake of vitamin A and 34 percent of a child’s recommended intake of vitamin E, according to a study co-led at The Ohio State University.
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Una papa transgénica “dorada” podría reducir la desnutrición
november 09, 2017

Una papa transgénica “dorada” podría reducir la desnutrición

Investigadores de la Universidad de Ohio experimentan con una papa que podría llegar a prevenir muertes y enfermedades. Sobre todo en aquellos países en donde la gente depende del almidón del tubérculo para el sustento.
New Potato Nutrition Facts Label in the United States
maart 15, 2017

New Potato Nutrition Facts Label in the United States

Potatoes USA has developed an updated new Nutrition Facts Label for fresh potatoes to meet updated FDA guidance.
Schmieding Produce Launches New 100 Calorie- Skinny Potato
januari 30, 2017

Schmieding Produce Launches New 100 Calorie - Skinny Potato

Schmieding Produce Launches New 100 Calorie - Skinny Potato: Potatoes are sorted in such a way, that each potato has roughly a calorie content of 100 Calories
If you think "Butter is Back", think again...
november 28, 2016

If you think "Butter is Back", think again...

Consuming high amounts of four major saturated fatty acids - found in red meat, dairy fat, butter, lard, and palm oil - may increase risk of coronary heart disease, according to a new study.
NMSU researcher helps develop potatoes more nutritious potatoes
november 27, 2016

NMSU researcher helps develop more nutritious potatoes

Can the nutritional value of potatoes be improved? That is the question USDA research geneticist Kathy Haynes has been asking for nearly 30 years. Her quest for the answer has led her to breeding a more nutritious potato, similar to the papa criolla types found in South America.
USDA clears Calyxt potato modified to withstand bruising
oktober 26, 2016

USDA clears Calyxt potato modified to withstand bruising

A new potato variety that’s genetically modified to withstand bruising has been cleared for commercialization without undergoing USDA’s deregulatory process for biotech crops.
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PepsiCo Launches 2025 Sustainability Agenda
oktober 18, 2016

PepsiCo Launches 2025 Sustainability Agenda

PepsiCo, Inc. has announced an ambitious global sustainability agenda designed to foster continued business growth in a way that responds to changing consumer and societal needs.
Food Labeling: FDA is redefining the food claim 'healthy'
september 29, 2016

Food Labeling: FDA is redefining the food claim 'healthy'

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that it has started a public process to redefine the “healthy” nutrient content claim for food labeling.
Pass the Potato Salad this summer
juli 12, 2016

Pass the Potato Salad this summer

There is good news for potato salad lovers just as the season for chilled potatoes officially heats up. New research published in the scientific journal Food Chemistry adds to the growing body of evidence that shows that cooking and cooling potatoes can significantly increase the amount of Resistant Starch (RS).
GMO Labeling Compromise ready for US Senate to consider
juni 25, 2016

GMO Labeling Compromise ready for US Senate to consider

A landmark Senate agreement on national disclosure standards for genetically engineered foods would allow companies to disclose GMO ingredients through digital codes rather than on-package langcode or symbols.
Benefits vegetable oils for heart health questioned
april 20, 2016

Benefits Vegetable Oils for Heart Health Questioned

A study published in The BMJ shows that replacing saturated fats with vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid lowers blood cholesterol, but may not curb heart disease risk or help you live longer. The findings question the widely held belief that vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid are good for heart health.
Study: Best Hope for Potassium and Fiber Missing in Children's Diets is the One Vegetable They're Least Likely to Ignore: Potatoes
februari 17, 2016

Best Hope for Potassium & Fiber Missing in Kids Diets is the Vegetable They're Least Likely to Ignore: Potato

U.S. children are not consuming enough vegetables, resulting in an inadequate intake of key nutrients, including potassium and dietary fiber, which are important for growth, development and overall health.


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