Zaadtechnologie voor aardappelvermeerdering (True Potato Seed; TPS)

Chinese scientists ’reinvent’ potatoes to solve global food crisis
juli 14, 2021

Chinese scientists ’reinvent’ potatoes to solve global food crisis

Chinese scientists have 'fixed' hybrid potatoes using genome editing technologies, simplifying the breeding process and allowing multiplication using True Potato Seed (TPS).
juli 06, 2021

Sleutelgen voor zelfbevruchting in aardappel geïdentificeerd

Ontdekking maakt snellere en gerichtere aardappelveredeling mogelijk
Producción local de semillas puede disminuir los gastos de importación
februari 08, 2021

República Dominicana: Producción local de semillas puede disminuir los gastos de importación

La investigación y el análisis genético de plantas y semillas está en vías de convertirse en una opción a gran escala para mejorar la calidad de las plantaciones agrícolas y el ahorro de divisas tanto para los productores como para el Estado dominicano.
First True Potato Seed (TPS) Trial of Solynta and Solidaridad in Mozambique Shows Great Potential
oktober 16, 2020

First True Potato Seed (TPS) Trial of Solynta and Solidaridad in Mozambique Shows Great Potential

A first pilot using True Potato Seed (TPS) in Angonia District, Tete province in Mozambique, conducted by Solidaridad and Solynta shows great potential to drastically improve and innovate potato production in Mozambique.
Pilot project could make growing potatoes cheaper, more accessible in the North
september 23, 2020

Pilot project could make growing potatoes cheaper, more accessible in the North

Northern Farm Training Institute will test a range of potato varieties to see which do best in Northern Canada. This pilot project could approved earlier this month could improve food security.
Wolrld Potato Congress Webinar: What's all this talk about Hybrid breeding and Hybrid True Potato Seeds (HTPS) revolutionizing the potato industry?
januari 31, 2020

World Potato Congress Webinar: What's all this talk about Hybrid breeding and Hybrid True Potato Seeds (HTPS) revolutionizing the potato industry?

The World Potato Congress (WPC) is extremely pleased to be offering this second webinar in its 2020 series featuring Mr. Hein Kruyt, CEO of Solynta.
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WPC Webinar - January 24, 2020 with Dr. David Douches
januari 13, 2020

World Potato Congress Webinar: January 24, 2020 with Dr. David Douches

The World Potato Congress (WPC) continues with its webinar series in its 2020 on January 24, with a webinar featuring Dr. David Douches of 'Feed the Future – Biotechnology Potato Partnership'
Grant of new US patent for Hybrid True Potato Seed development
januari 13, 2020

Grant of new US patent for Hybrid True Potato Seed development

Solynta today announced the grant of U.S. Patent Serial No. 10,524,436 entitled ‘Hybrid Potato Breeding’. The patent claims Solynta’s methods of producing potato inbreds and hybrids that are propagated from true seed.
Rwanda pilots 'revolutionary' potato seeds
januari 06, 2020

Rwanda pilots 'revolutionary' potato seeds

The Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) has started testing True Potato Seeds, which are produced by Solynta, a Dutch firm that develops hybrid potatoes. True Potato Seeds are collected from the berries or fruits of the potato plant.
Insufficient seed inspectors lead to potato seeds scarcity –RAB
oktober 31, 2019

Insufficient seed inspectors lead to potato seeds scarcity, says Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB)

Rwanda needs about 35,000 tons of quality potato seeds to cover 25 percent of total cultivated land in each growing season. The targeted quantity to fill the existing gap is 60 percent despite persisting challenges.
Complex potato genome further unveiled
september 21, 2019

Further potato genome details unveiled by Solynta and Wageningen University & Research

Scientists from Solynta and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) have published the most complete genome sequence for potatoes to date. A unique aspect is that both sequence and plant material are made available for research.
HZPC Americas grows with new employees
september 03, 2019

HZPC Americas grows with new employees

Over the last two years, HZPC has built a new business development team for the North American market. Led by Mr. Jeff Scramlin, this team focuses efforts in the food service and retail sectors.
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Collaborative discussion between seed potato schemes
juli 22, 2019

Collaborative discussion between seed potato schemes

On 10 May, a meeting was held between AuSPICA, members of the Tasmanian Certified Seed Potato Scheme (known as TasSeed) and invited industry representatives.
februari 07, 2019

Aardappelbedrijf HZPC lanceert merk update

HZPC blijft groeien. De internationale marktleider op het gebied van aardappelveredeling, pootgoedhandel en productconceptontwikkeling lanceert vandaag een update van haar merk- en communicatiestrategie.
Hybrid Potato Breeding company Solynta appoints Charles Miller as Commercial Director
februari 04, 2019

Hybrid Potato Breeding Company Solynta appoints Charles Miller as Commercial Director

Hybrid Potato Breeding company Solynta announced today that it has appointed Charles Miller as its Commercial Director.
Better and stronger potatoes using hybrid breeding
december 18, 2018

Better and stronger potatoes using hybrid breeding

The potato breeding company Solynta in The Netherlands has successfully produced a hybrid breeding program for potatoes which will allow the rapid selection and turnover of favourable traits, traits which could help feed millions of people worldwide.
KWS and Simplot Form Joint Venture for Hybrid Potato Breeding: Aardevo B.V.
oktober 02, 2018

KWS and Simplot Form Joint Venture for Hybrid Potato Breeding: Aardevo B.V.

KWS SAAT SE and the J.R. Simplot Company have founded a new joint venture company Aardevo B.V., to deliver top performing potato varieties through hybrid breeding.
Hybrid potatoes from botanical seeds: an opportunity or a threat?
juni 19, 2018

Hybrid potatoes from botanical seeds: an opportunity or a threat?

Typically, potatoes are multiplied by replanting a small potato tuber from last season, causing it to grow a new potato plant. Recently a new method of multiplication is making headlines: true potato seed (TPS) from hybrid potatoes.


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