Trends in landbouw en voedsel

The potato company Scotty Brand saves 27 tons of plastic from its packaging
januari 06, 2021

The potato company Scotty Brand saves 27 tons of plastic from its packaging

In one year, a Scottish potato company removed almost 27 tons of plastic from its packaging.
Georgia Potato Forum looks forward with optimism
januari 05, 2021

Georgia Potato Forum looks forward with optimism

Last month, key actors from Georgia’s potato sector convened virtually to discuss ideas to enhance the country’s potato sector.
PepsiCo leverages AI to create an intelligent monitoring system that improves Cheetos consistency
januari 05, 2021

PepsiCo leverages AI to create an intelligent monitoring system that improves Cheetos consistency

To the untrained eye (and mouth), a Cheetos Snack is a Cheetos Snack. But even die-hard snack lovers might not realize the lengths to which engineers go to ensure each bite has the optimal crunch, lightness, and shape.
Brexit: Scottish minister pledges to fight for seed potato exporters
januari 04, 2021

Brexit: Scottish minister pledges to fight for seed potato exporters

The Scottish Government has said the seed potato industry is facing disaster through the Brexit deal. Exports of seed potatoes - a vital Scottish export - will not be part of a trade deal between the UK and EU
januari 04, 2021

HZPC 'Van Poten Naar Zaaien'

Dit jaar verwacht HZPC het eerste prototype van een hybride aardappelras in handen te hebben. Deze aardappelen worden gezaaid in plaats van gepoot en dat biedt perspectief voor de voedselzekerheid van gebieden die slecht te bereiken zijn.
El agricultor Peter Imle intenta reducir a la mitad su cantidad de cromosomas para abrir el camino a muchas nuevas variedades con características más útiles
januari 04, 2021

El hombre que intenta llevar el cultivo de la patata al siglo XXI

El agricultor Peter Imle intenta reducir a la mitad su cantidad de cromosomas para abrir el camino a muchas nuevas variedades con características más útiles.
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Sensor can help save 500 million gallons of water and 250,000 gallons of gasoline across 10,000 acres of farmland
december 30, 2020

Soiltech has expanded the functionality of its soil moisture sensor with temperature, humidity, location and impacts

Enabled by AT&T’s nationwide, highly secure LTE-M cellular network, the Soiltech Sensor precisely records and transmits data for soil moisture, temperature, humidity, location and impacts that may create bruising while crops are being grown, transported, and stored.
How Colorado Potato Beetles Beat Pesticides
december 29, 2020

How Colorado Potato Beetles Beat Pesticides

Native to the Rocky Mountains, the Colorado potato beetle has now spread to many parts of the world and quickly overcoming almost every pesticide thrown in its way. A new UVM study sheds light on how these insects become resistant so fast.
Pandemic impact: Foodservice losses reduce total potato sales in the US
december 29, 2020

Pandemic impact: Foodservice losses reduce total potato sales in the United States

There was a 5% decline in the utilization of potatoes grown in the United States during the July 2019 – June 2020 marketing year (MY20).
A Crop Pandemic Would Be as Devastating for Biodiversity and Food Security as COVID-19
december 29, 2020

A Crop Pandemic Would Be as Devastating for Biodiversity and Food Security as COVID-19

Biodiversity loss threatens national security. We need to invest in technologies to preserve our vital food varieties.
Chemical composition of wild potato relative contributes to its resistance to pathogen
december 29, 2020

Chemical composition of wild potato relative contributes to its resistance to pathogen

In a recent study published in the MPMI journal, scientists from CSU revealed that metabolites from S. chacoense contribute to disease resistance by altering the pathogenic behavior of Pectobacterium brasiliense, rather than inhibiting its growth or killing it.
Smart Big Bags for seed potatoes keep track of temperature during transport
december 29, 2020

Smart Big Bags for seed potatoes keep track of temperature during transport

With the pilot, 'smart big bags' HZPC uses the internet of things to share knowledge and get a better grip on the delivery process of seed potatoes.
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Burger King is selling a sundae stuffed full of French fries in Singapore
december 28, 2020

Burger King is selling a sundae stuffed full of French fries in Singapore

Burger King described the dessert as 'eccentric, but delicious' with contrasting temperatures, textures, and flavors. It's an ice-cream sundae full of fries.
And, yes, the fries are served hot.
The National Potato Council reviews the impact of the COVID Relief and FY21 Funding Bills
december 22, 2020

The National Potato Council reviews the impact of the COVID Relief and FY21 Funding Bills

In the United States, House and Senate just approved COVID Relief and FY21 Funding Bills. The National Potato Council reviews what these bills mean for the US Potato Sector.
Aerial view of the McCrum French Fry plant in Belfast, Maine
december 22, 2020

Maine French Fry manufacturer McCrum: 'Kiremko and Idaho Steel are our partners.'

McCrum: 'This project with Kiremko and Idaho Steel was a big project for our family. Trust with Kiremko and Idaho Steel has grown from day one. Our family considers them as partners now.'
World Potato Congress January 14, 2021 Webinar with Todd Forbush
december 21, 2020

World Potato Congress January 14, 2021 Webinar with Todd Forbush

The World Potato Congress has announced its next webinar for Thursday, January 14, 2021 with Todd Forbush, Engineer with Techmark, Inc.
december 18, 2020

Aardappelcooperatie Agrico blikt positief terug ondanks bewogen jaar

Afgelopen week hield aardappelcooperatie Agrico haar jaarlijkse centrale ledenvergadering. In deze online vergadering zijn o.a. de jaarcijfers 2019/2020 besproken en was er aandacht voor de digitale transformatie van Agrico.
La crisis de los paperos continúa en el Oriente Colombiano
december 18, 2020

La crisis de los paperos continúa en el Oriente Colombiano

Pese a los múltiples esfuerzos que se han realizado hace varios meses en la región, la situación de los paperos en el Oriente colombiano no ha mejorado y temen que la crisis no cese.


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